Download Photos in full resolution via Wifi with python

is there a way to download photos taken on the ANAFI during the flight after the flight using python scripts from linux? I found such a functionality in the iOS SDK, but am clueless how to do this using the Olympe python or other linux scripting tools.

I had a look at PDrAW, but this seems to be for videos only.
Does anyone have a hint?


Access to the drone media is done through a web API.

I made a post explaining how it works here. There is no Olympe specific features about this, you can perfectly do this with urllib or requests (or any other python module which supports HTTP).


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The media API will be integrated into Olympe in the next SDK release.

In the meantime you can download photos from the drone using the media REST API with python-requests as shown in the following example:

Nicolas II

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