7.7.1 firmware for Sphinx?


I just received a new Anafi AI and I’m trying to set it up with Sphinx. I followed the guides and everything seems to work except I can’t take off becuase the firmware update is required by Skycontroller. Looking at Firmware Versions & SDK - Parrot I can’t find 7.7.1 version of the firmware for Sphinx. Latest seems to be 7.7.0.

Is newer firmware coming soon or is there any workaround for the firmware update check in the Skycontroller when using it with the simulator?

Ubuntu 22.04 with Anafi AI as WiFi adapter, Sphinx v2.15.1
Skycontroller4 v7.7.2 and iPad Mini (6th gen) running FreeFlight7 v7.7.1

Hi @pcax,

The 7.7.1 is available now at Firmware Versions & SDK - Parrot.


Thank you!

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