Add several services to a mission


I’m currently trying to add several services to a mission but can’t figure out how to do it properly using ‘’. I’ve tried to do something based on the hello drone example :
- I’ve created 2 directories under services/, one for each service with
their messages.proto
- Then tried to modify the ‘’ file by adding the build for both services and the library build for both messages.proto
I manage to successfully build the mission, however there’s an issue : only one of the compiled messages.proto is taken into account. It seems that there’s an issue with the paths making reference to each one of them.

How could it be fixed ? Is there any documentation that could help ?

Thanks for the help.

I fixed my problem, but I still can’t manage to launch the hello drone mission with different cv services running at the same time. Is there a way to do it ?

This is the out directory after build :

Thank you :slight_smile:

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Hi @e267,

To launch the hello drone mission with different cv services running at the same time, you can add a new element in the list named “services” present at the end of the file mission.json:

initially you have this list:

"services" : [
    ["hello-cv", "airsdk-hello-cv-service", "arg1", "arg2"]

Try to add your second service like this:

"services" : [
    ["hello-cv", "airsdk-hello-cv-service", "arg1", "arg2"],
    ["hello-cv2", "airsdk-hello-cv-service2", "arg1", "arg2"]
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Thanks a lot

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