AirSDK build - specify compiler

Newbie question: I am trying to follow the AirSDK documentation to build the Hello mission on an Ubuntu 22.04 machine. I am stopped by " This sdk is for TARGET_CC_VERSION <= 11.3.0". GCC 12 is the default, but I’ve installed both 11 and 10. I’ve attempted to set the CC and GCC env vars to no avail. I’ve also unseccessfully tried building ‘the hard way’, also setting CC/GCC. Is there a way to specify my gcc location to the build system short of update-alternatives (I require gcc-12 for other projects)?

Hi @smb,

You can use the variable TARGET_CC like this:

$ TARGET_CC=/path/to/compiler airsdk build

Unfortunately, this only works with the simulator target (you need to comment out the Anafi Ai target in your mission.yaml file).

For the drone, you need to define the appropriate compiler.


Removing ‘Anafi AI’ from targets in mission.yaml was exactly the piece I was missing. It works now, many thanks.

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