Anafi GroundSDK - Velocity Control


Is there a way to send “velocity commands” to the Anafi using the Ground SDK Mobile on iOS?

The current SDK provides the ability to control the pitch and roll of the aircraft for horizontal movements, but we would like to be able to set the drone velocity without worrying of pitch/roll.

Thank you

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Hi Alexandre,

There is no way to drive the drone by horizontal velocity with GroundSdk.

But you can adjust your angles by listening to the ‘Speedometer’ instrument.


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Is there any plan on adding this feature in future versions of the SDK?


Just wanted to do a follow-up on this topic, is there any plan to support this feature?

I also have a related question: when I connect to the drone via the SkyController 3, the pitch/roll/yaw/thrust commands do no trigger any drone movement, but they do if the iPad is connected to the drone via wifi. How can I control the movement with the iPad connected via the controller?

Thank you

Hi Alexandre,

Currently there is no plan to add the piloting of the drone by horizontal velocity in GroundSdk.

The SkyController3 filters pitch/roll/yaw/vertical speed commands to send only his own.
The next GroundSdk update will add a feature to send smartphone’s
pitch/roll/yaw/vertical speed commands rather than those of the SkyController3.


Do you have any idea of when the next update will be released?

Hi Alexandre.

It’s available ! (release 1.0.1)
Have a look at the Copilot: Peripheral in the demo app.

The parameters are:
/// Use the SkyController joysticks.
case remoteControl
/// Use the application controls
/// Disables the SkyController joysticks
case application
