ANAFI Thermal gimbal values appear to be constants from the controller

We are using the getAttitude method for the Pitch and Roll Axis. We would like to monitor the gimbal orientation during flight. It appears that what we are receiving is not the actual gimbal position rather a constant that is set by the controller. Also the Relative and Absolute appear to be the same. It also appears that it is only updating when we manipulate the controller.
Our goal is to monitor the gimbals position in real-time. Is there a different method we should be using?
Here is our code:

    private fun monitorGimbal() {
if (drone != null) {
    droneGimbalRef = drone!!.getPeripheral( { gimbal ->
        if (gimbal != null) {
            // The Frame of Reference can be:
            // ABSOLUTE - Absolute frame of reference
            // RELATIVE - Frame of reference relative to the drone
                    System.out.printf("rDebug Gimbal %.8f %.8f\n",
                            gimbal.getAttitude(Gimbal.Axis.ROLL, Gimbal.FrameOfReference.ABSOLUTE),
                            gimbal.getAttitude(Gimbal.Axis.PITCH, Gimbal.FrameOfReference.ABSOLUTE));
                    gimbal.getAttitude(Gimbal.Axis.ROLL, Gimbal.FrameOfReference.ABSOLUTE),
                    gimbal.getAttitude(Gimbal.Axis.PITCH, Gimbal.FrameOfReference.ABSOLUTE),
                    gimbal.getAttitude(Gimbal.Axis.ROLL, Gimbal.FrameOfReference.RELATIVE),
                    gimbal.getAttitude(Gimbal.Axis.PITCH, Gimbal.FrameOfReference.RELATIVE));
