ANAFI USA/Thermal - 2 Critical Issues

Dear all,

I have seen 2 rather critical issues with my ANAFI USA and Thermal the last month:
A. The gimbal literally dies in mid-air. It stops functioning and the gimbal motors just stop.
So, it leaves the camera hanging with the view down and tilted.
B. The WiFi disappears (does not transmit anymore / no SSID available) while in flight and then I loose control. I then usually wait for the battery to drain so that it auto lands (this is the most scary thing)
Sometimes, the WiFi comes back but usually it just stops!

Please investigate this and let me know if there’s gonna be any firmware upgrade…

Best regards,
George Delaportas

@g0d, this is usually not the place for customer service requests.
But as I know you are also a developer, you can help us by giving more information and post the full flights logs of the drones just when it happens (logs are being overwritten to keep room on the SD card)

Link us the FDR folder of your drone and a description of the incident.

Without this we can’t do anything.


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