Android Ground SDK - 4G Preferred not working?

When we use FF7 on iOS, we can set to 4G Preferred and we see the drone and controller switch to 4G (4G has the box around it instead of WiFi). However, when we use Ground SDK on Android, we are not able to replicate this function, it will always choose WiFi.

We are setting the preferred connection type to "cellular. We CAN see 2 available links - wlan and cellular. But we are NOT connecting to cellular. Probably there are some additional steps we should take in addition to setting preferred connection type to “cellular”?

Thank you for the help!

Any info in this? Thanks

Hi @ohlarikd,

Sorry for the delay. There are no additional steps to set the preferred connection type to cellular. Only the routingPolicy property needs to be set to cellular.

Could you provide more details about your problem? A log file or some of your code?


Thanks Axel. Here are more details on what we see:

We are setting routing policy programmatically to CELLULAR with this code:

val networkControl = drone?.getPeripheral(
networkControl?.routingPolicy?.value = NetworkControl.RoutingPolicy.CELLULAR

We can see that NetworkControl observer is fired several times. While debugging we can see that we DO have 2 active links - WLAN and CELLULAR.
But WLAN is always in RUNNING state while CELLULAR is always in READY state. The question is - how to make CELLULAR link to switch to the RUNNING state?

Any update on this? I don’t want the topic to close.