Building custom environment including a UE4 plugin


following the instructions on adapting an UE project to Parrot Sphinx provided here, I developed a simple 3D environment containing a floor, a BP_ParrotSky and a TargetPoint named default. Furthermore, I added a custom actor which consists of a skeletal mesh and makes use of the plugin UnrealROS (see I was able to successfully build the application without error using the command parrot-ue-build-app <path/to/awesome.uproject>.
Among the output of the command, the following line is present.
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin UnrealROS
I assume, this means that the plugin is at least correctly detected.
However, when I run the built application using the command
uproject_dir>/installed/LinuxNoEditor/, I get the following error message:
LogPluginManager: Error: Unable to load plugin 'UnrealROS'. Aborting.

Is it possible to include plugins and build them for parrot sphinx?
If so, what are the necessary adaptions that need to be made, e.g. to the project, the .ini files, etc.?

Any help is appreciated.


Sorry for the late reply.

The public SDK is meant to let the user develop his/her own scenes. Building a customized UE4 application incorporating other plugins goes beyond this scope.

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