I’m following this link " Building Olympe from source (for x86_64, armv7 or aarch64) - 7.7 " to install olympe on a raspberry pi 4 model B. However, in “Build olympe-linux” step, after executing the command " ./build.sh -p olympe-linux -t build -j " I’m getting this message.
I think one of your file/directory in the out directory is root and this should not happen during the build. Did you follow all the step of the Installation procedure?
Please note that we have not tested the build and execution of Olympe on Raspberry pi. The correct operation of Olympe is not guaranteed and other errors may occur.
I was able to compile and run Olympe on a headless RPi 4 but I am having trouble with streaming.py. It seems that Olympe isn’t decoding the stream. I can however command the motion of the drone running in Sphinx on a separate machine.
Out of the box the installation instructions do not work for Ubuntu 22.04 on x86_64 or aarch64 (RPi) and it took some modifications to the Python package versions.