Can you disable the ultrasonic sensor in Sphinx?

I noticed this is an unanswered question, is it possible to disable the ultrasonic sensor in Sphinx?

For context: I have transparent model “targets” with collisions turned off in my simulation that I would like to be able to fly through, but when approaching these targets from above the ultrasonic stops the drone in it’s place.

Side question: If it isn’t possible to disable the ultrasonic sensor, is it possible to change a model feature for the model to be undetectable?

You can disable the ultrasound sensor with this command:

echo '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "SetParam", "params": {"machine":"anafi4k", "object":"ultrasound/ultrasound", "parameter":"out_of_order", "value":"true"}, "id": 1}' | curl -d @- http://localhost:8383 | python -m json.tool
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