Connect - ' connection timed out

Hello, I install the sphinx and start to play with the simulator.
I got a “net discovery failed” error. Anyone knows why? Thanks.

Terminal 1:
sphinx --log-level=dbg /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/drones/anafi4k.drone::stolen_interface=::firmware=$HOME/Downloads/

Terminal 2:
(olympe-python3) linz@linz:~/$ python

“Hello world” example" from User guide - 7.3

(olympe-python3) linz@linz: ~/$ python
2022-09-13 22:56:33,376 [INFO] olympe.backend - _create_pomp_loop - Creating pomp loop
2022-09-13 22:56:33,377 [INFO] olympe.backend - _do_create - device callbacks have been added to arsdk_ctrl
2022-09-13 22:56:33,377 [INFO] olympe.scheduler - _create_pomp_loop - Creating pomp loop
2022-09-13 22:56:33,380 [INFO] - _create_pomp_loop - Creating pomp loop
2022-09-13 22:56:36,383 [INFO] olympe.drone - _async_discover_device - Net discovery failed for b’’
2022-09-13 22:56:36,384 [INFO] olympe.drone - _async_discover_device - Trying ‘NetRaw’ discovery for b’’ …
2022-09-13 22:56:39,381 [ERROR] olympe.drone - connect - ‘ connection timed out
2022-09-13 22:56:39,382 [INFO] olympe.drone - disconnect - Disconnection with the device OK. IP: b’’
2022-09-13 22:56:39,389 [ERROR] olympe.drone - call - Unhandled exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/linz/code/parrot-groundsdk/out/olympe-linux/staging/usr/lib/python/site-packages/olympe/utils/”, line 100, in call
return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
File “/home/linz/code/parrot-groundsdk/out/olympe-linux/staging/usr/lib/python/site-packages/olympe/arsdkng/”, line 519, in _send_command_impl
raise RuntimeError("[sendcmd] Error cmd interface seems to be destroyed")
RuntimeError: [sendcmd] Error cmd interface seems to be destroyed
2022-09-13 22:56:39,389 [ERROR] olympe.backend - run_async - Unhandled exception in async task function
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/linz/code/parrot-groundsdk/out/olympe-linux/staging/usr/lib/python/site-packages/olympe/concurrent/”, line 249, in run_async
ret = func(*args, **kwds)
File “/home/linz/code/parrot-groundsdk/out/olympe-linux/staging/usr/lib/python/site-packages/olympe/utils/”, line 90, in
lambda *args, **kwds: self._method_call(obj, *args, **kwds)
File “/home/linz/code/parrot-groundsdk/out/olympe-linux/staging/usr/lib/python/site-packages/olympe/utils/”, line 94, in _method_call
return, *args, **kwds)
File “/home/linz/code/parrot-groundsdk/out/olympe-linux/staging/usr/lib/python/site-packages/olympe/utils/”, line 100, in call
return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
File “/home/linz/code/parrot-groundsdk/out/olympe-linux/staging/usr/lib/python/site-packages/olympe/arsdkng/”, line 519, in _send_command_impl
raise RuntimeError("[sendcmd] Error cmd interface seems to be destroyed")
RuntimeError: [sendcmd] Error cmd interface seems to be destroyed
2022-09-13 22:56:39,395 [ERROR] olympe.drone - _do_connect - ' connection retries failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/linz/”, line 19, in
File “/home/linz/”, line 12, in test_takeoff
assert drone(TakeOff()).wait().success()
2022-09-13 22:56:49,422 [INFO] - _shutdown - shutdown
2022-09-13 22:56:49,535 [INFO] olympe.drone - _on_device_removed - <olympe.arsdkng.cmd_itf.DisconnectedEvent object at 0x7fd5cca5e100>
2022-09-13 22:56:49,538 [INFO] - _destroy_pomp_loop - Pomp loop has been destroyed: Thread-3
2022-09-13 22:56:49,539 [INFO] olympe.scheduler - _destroy_pomp_loop - Pomp loop has been destroyed: subscribers_thread
2022-09-13 22:56:49,841 [INFO] olympe.backend - _destroy_pomp_loop - Pomp loop has been destroyed: Thread-2

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