Custom precision landing

One of our use cases includes landing on a basestation as precisely as possible as part of an automated mission (using AirSDK). This feature is, as far as I understood, already implemented in the air sdk (‘precision landing’). However, I was not able to find any documentation on how to use this feature (tell it to store the takeoff position, and return to/land there later). Furthermore, our landing location might not be the one we took off from, so some way of manually specifying this point would be great (a GPS position, an image of what the landing site looks like,…); is this possible? As a first step, telling the sdk an exact point in time where the picture/position should be saved would be good, but of course an explicit endpoint that receives a picture I can load from anywhere would be the best case scenario.
Thank you in advance for any help.

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Hello @llinksrechts,

I was not able to find any documentation on how to use this feature (tell it to store the takeoff position, and return to/land there later).
Furthermore, our landing location might not be the one we took off from, so some way of manually specifying this point would be great (a GPS position, an image of what the landing site looks like,…); is this possible?

Unfortunately It is not possible to customize the behavior of the ‘precision landing’.


It is unfortunate to hear that; is there maybe another, similar option, like at least choosing the time at which this data is saved ourselves (eg. we save it once at the position we’re always going to land in, and then just use this information over and over, even when starting from another point)? I wasn’t able to find documentation even just documentation on enabling and disabling precision home, so any lead here would be hugely appreciated.

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There is no user/developer control on the precision landing feature. So there is no way of enabling / disabling it, or customizing the associated data.

The best way to have a customized precision landing algorithm would be to implement an Air SDK mission that would override the take off and landing stages and do the necessary computer vision on the vertical camera images for example.

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