Hi there, Im having some issues connecting to my drone through WSL. Ive seen some similar topics but none with my exact error codes.
Im inside a virtual environment on WSL
I’ve connected to the drone from my laptop (with the Sky Controller3 off)
I run the following code:
import olympe
drone_ip = ""
drone = olympe.Drone(drone_ip)
and get the follwing error log:
2025-02-26 15:13:53,170 [INFO] olympe.backend - _device_added_cb - DiscoveryNet: New device has been detected: 'AnafiUSA-A010151'
2025-02-26 15:13:53,173 [INFO] olympe.drone - _connecting_cb - Connecting to device: AnafiUSA-A010151
2025-02-26 15:13:53,173 [INFO] olympe.drone - _connect_impl - Connection in progress...
2025-02-26 15:13:53,199 [INFO] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _aconnected_cb - Connected to device: AnafiUSA-A010151
2025-02-26 15:13:53,200 [INFO] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _aconnected_cb - {'c2d_port': 2233,
'c2d_update_port': 51,
'c2d_user_port': 21,
'proto_v': 3,
'qos_mode': 0,
'status': 0}
2025-02-26 15:13:53,201 [INFO] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _create_command_interface - Command interface has been created
2025-02-26 15:13:53,204 [INFO] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _send_command_impl - common.Common.CurrentDateTime(datetime='20250226T151353+0000') has been sent to the device
2025-02-26 15:13:53,207 [INFO] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _send_command_impl - common.Common.AllStates() has been sent to the device
2025-02-26 15:13:53,737 [WARNING] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _on_sync_done - Time synchronization failed for b''
2025-02-26 15:13:58,200 [INFO] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _link_quality_cb - Link quality: tx=0, rx=-1, rx_useful=-1
2025-02-26 15:13:59,150 [ERROR] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - connect - '' connection timed out
2025-02-26 15:13:59,153 [INFO] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - disconnect - Disconnection with the device OK. IP: b''
>>> 2025-02-26 15:14:01,154 [ERROR] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _cmd_itf_cmd_send_status_cb - Command send status cancel/timeout: common.Common.CurrentDateTime ARSDK_CMD_ITF_CMD_SEND_STATUS_CANCELED, done: True
2025-02-26 15:14:01,154 [ERROR] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _cmd_itf_cmd_send_status_cb - Command send status cancel/timeout: common.Common.AllStates ARSDK_CMD_ITF_CMD_SEND_STATUS_CANCELED, done: True
2025-02-26 15:14:01,154 [INFO] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _disconnected_cb - Disconnected from device: AnafiUSA-A010151
2025-02-26 15:14:01,155 [ERROR] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _do_connect - ' connection retries failed
2025-02-26 15:14:01,158 [INFO] olympe.drone.AnafiUSA-A010151 - _on_device_removed - <olympe.arsdkng.cmd_itf.DisconnectedEvent object at 0x7f9ce3166280>
2025-02-26 15:14:01,160 [INFO] olympe.media - _websocket_event_reader - websocket closed