[Error] Firmware doesn't support requested hardware anafi4k

After trying to launch Sphinx through vglrun, I receive the error “Firmware doesn’t support requested hardware anafi4k”. (I receive the same error when using any of the other drones.)

I have tried restarting firmwared after running fdc drop_all instances.

Here is the output:

vglrun -d :10 sphinx /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/drones/anafi4k.drone::stolen_interface=::simple_front_cam=true
Parrot-Sphinx simulator version 1.8

connecting to firmwared version: 1.8
starting Telemetryd to capture true data...
I telemetryd: Creating daemon with rate 50 ms
I libtelemetry: clear logger filter
I telemetryd: Loading plugins from '/opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/bin/../lib/tlm-plugins/'
I telemetryd: Loading '/opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/bin/../lib/tlm-plugins//tlm-gndctrl.so'
I telemetryd: Loading '/opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/bin/../lib/tlm-plugins//tlm-blackbox.so'
I tlmblackbox: setEnabled 1
I tlmblackbox: setCompressed 1
I tlmblackbox: setCompressionLevel 6
I tlmblackbox: setCompressionMethod zlib
I tlmblackbox: setLogDir '.'
I tlmblackbox: setLogName 'log.tlmb'
I tlmblackbox: setLogCount 4
I tlmblackbox: setFilter *
I libtelemetry: clear logger filter
I tlmblackbox: setFlushPeriod 10000 ms
I tlmblackbox: setMaxSize -1 bytes
I tlmblackbox: rotate logs: './sphinx-11345-log.tlmb.3' -> './sphinx-11345-log.tlmb.4'
I tlmblackbox: rotate logs: './sphinx-11345-log.tlmb.2' -> './sphinx-11345-log.tlmb.3'
I tlmblackbox: rotate logs: './sphinx-11345-log.tlmb.1' -> './sphinx-11345-log.tlmb.2'
I tlmblackbox: rotate logs: './sphinx-11345-log.tlmb' -> './sphinx-11345-log.tlmb.1'
I tlmblackbox: Creating file './sphinx-11345-log.tlmb'
I telemetryd: Loading '/opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/bin/../lib/tlm-plugins//tlm-web-gndctrl.so'
I telemetryd: Entering loop
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 7.0.1
Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[Msg] Waiting for master.
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 7.0.1
Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Msg] created parameter server on http:8383
[Msg] World params for 'default':
[Msg] 	spawn_points:
[Msg] 		- name: default
[Msg] 		  pose: 0 0 0.2 0 -0 0
[Wrn] [FwManPlugin.cc:470] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[Msg] connected to firmwared
I shd: wind: created: generation=2 sample_count=4000 sample_size=24 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=125
[Msg] Preparation of firmware http://plf.parrot.com/sphinx/firmwares/anafi/pc/latest/images/anafi-pc.ext2.zip
I shd: wind: opened: sample_count=4000 sample_size=24 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=125
[Wrn] [Firmware.cc:66] cannot find hardware 'anafi4k' among: 
[Err] [MachineManager.cc:928] Firmware doesn't support requested hardware anafi4k
[Msg] CleanupInstances
[Msg] CleanupFirmwares
[Msg] Firmware petulant_johanna[366ec84a6f6cbd133b1106cb82d96d7efa7bb133] unprepared (unmounted)
I shd: wind: closed
[Wrn] [Publisher.cc:141] Queue limit reached for topic /gazebo/default/user_camera/pose, deleting message. This warning is printed only once.
escalating to SIGKILL on client
I telemetryd: sighandler: signo=15(Terminated)
I telemetryd: Exiting loop
[REDACTED]:~/data$ I tlmblackbox: Closing file './sphinx-11345-log.tlmb'
I telemetryd: Unloading '/opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/bin/../lib/tlm-plugins//tlm-blackbox.so'
I telemetryd: Unloading '/opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/bin/../lib/tlm-plugins//tlm-gndctrl.so'
I : [2020-08-17 18:03:28] [info] asio handle_accept error: asio.system:125 (Operation aborted.)
I : [2020-08-17 18:03:28] [info] Error getting remote endpoint: asio.system:9 (Bad file descriptor)
I : [2020-08-17 18:03:28] [info] asio async_shutdown error: asio.system:9 (Bad file descriptor)
I : [2020-08-17 18:03:28] [error] handle_accept error: Underlying Transport Error
I : [2020-08-17 18:03:28] [info] Stopping acceptance of new connections because the underlying transport is no longer listening.
I telemetryd: Unloading '/opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/bin/../lib/tlm-plugins//tlm-web-gndctrl.so'
I shd: wind: closed

In case it’s relevant, here is the output of sudo firmwared during execution:

sudo firmwared
I firmwared_main: firmwared[18195] starting
E apparmor_config: opening /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles failed: Permission denied
I firmwared_firmwares: indexing firmwares from folder '/usr/share/firmwared/firmwares/'
I firmwared_firmwares: done indexing firmwares
I firmwared_firmwares: firmware 5814956a-d036-97fd-5166-afaa390974ac already registered
W firmwared_log: mount: /var/cache/firmwared/mount_points//firmwares/366ec84a6f6cbd133b1106cb82d96d7efa7bb133: mount failed: Unknown error -1
E firmwared_firmwares: mount /var/cache/firmwared/mount_points//firmwares/366ec84a6f6cbd133b1106cb82d96d7efa7bb133 exited with status 8192
I firmwared_command_dropall: instances dropped 0/0
W firmwared_log: umount: /var/cache/firmwared/mount_points//firmwares/366ec84a6f6cbd133b1106cb82d96d7efa7bb133: not mounted
E firmwared_firmwares: umount /var/cache/firmwared/mount_points//firmwares/366ec84a6f6cbd133b1106cb82d96d7efa7bb133 exited with status 8192


It may be that you did not restart your machine after installing sphinx. You may also want to try this command: fdc drop_all firmwares to get rid of any corrupted files and force the download of a new firmware.