FlightPlanEvent.StartingErrorEvent() when starting mission with mavlink


I followed this example to upload and start a mission with olympe and sphinx through mavlink:

I can see that the mission is uploaded when using GET /api/v1/upload/flightplan/(uid) api

However, when I call drone(Start(resp.json(), type=“flightPlan”)
I get StartingErrorEvent().

024-07-17 12:10:22,768 [INFO] olympe.drone.ANAFI Ai 000000 - _send_command_impl - common.Mavlink.Start(filepath=‘12f5bfa2e00d00018b023d802fa16904’, type=‘flightPlan’) has been sent to the device

2024-07-17 12:10:22,873 [INFO] olympe.drone.ANAFI Ai 000000 - _recv_cmd_cb - pointnfly.Event.State(unavailable=pointnfly.State.Unavailable(reasons=(‘drone_not_calibrated’, ‘drone_not_flying’)))
2024-07-17 12:10:22,873 [INFO] olympe.drone.ANAFI Ai 000000 - _recv_cmd_cb - privacy.Event.State(default_capabilities=privacy.Capabilities(supported_log_storage=(‘persistent’, ‘none’), supported_log_config_persistence=(‘persistent’, ‘oneshot’)), log_storage=‘persistent’, log_config_persistence=‘persistent’)
2024-07-17 12:10:22,889 [INFO] olympe.drone.ANAFI Ai 000000 - _link_quality_cb - Link quality: tx=52, rx=100, rx_useful=93
2024-07-17 12:10:23,286 [INFO] olympe.drone.ANAFI Ai 000000 - _recv_cmd_cb - common.FlightPlanEvent.StartingErrorEvent()

Am I doing something wrong or is mavlink only compatible with GroundSdk?
Thank you

Hi @katy,

I think you can take a look at this topic: FlightPlanEvent.StartingErrorEvent().

Let me know if the problem persists.


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