Get Stereo Gimbal Angle


This post is following up from my previous question about getting the distance to an obstacle. I was able to get that working (thanks for the help!) but now I’ve encountered a new problem. I only need the forward distance in my app, but since the stereo gimbal swivels around, I am getting all sorts of distance readings. I would like to filter it out and only update my app’s UI when the gimbal is pointing forward, but there does not seem to be a way to get that information from the stereo gimbal.

I see (and am using) the getAttitude method on the main gimbal, but this is missing from the front stereo gimbal. Would it be possible for you to add this functionality to the stereo gimbal?



Sorry but no development is currently planned on this topic.


Is there a way to get that angle from the AirSDK at least?


According to the Air SDK documentation, you can call generateAttitudeReferences() or directly generateStcamAttitudeReference().

With these, you should be able to retrieve the correct attitude of the stereo camera.
