How to add Internet access to Simulated Drone in SPHINX?

We are working in a user application in AirSDK that needs to access LTE on the real drone. However, in SPHINX, there does not seem to be a simulated LTE link. That is fine I thought, as long as the simulated drone can access the internet with the Laptops (where Sphinx is running) connection. However, if I log into the terminal of the simulated drone and look at the available interfaces, NONE of them are able to access the internet. They do not seem to be related to the REAL interfaces I have on the laptop (WiFi and Ethernet connected to my home network)

So, how can I route traffic from a AirSDK user app in Sphinx to the real Internet to test?

Have you tried the wan_access drone option?

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Ah - we did not see that option before, but now I see:

### wan_access#

The wan_access parameter is a boolean value (can take β€œ0”, β€œ1”, β€œfalse”, or β€œtrue”). If set to true, it allows the simulated drone to access a Wide Area Network, i.e. the Internet.

We will give that a try and report back, thank you!

Success! Thank you very much for the help!

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