How to change the speed

Hello everyone, I need to change the speed of my drone because for the moment it’s to fast to do what I want. Anybody have an idea to do that ?

in FreeFlight or with the SDK ?

with the sdk on olympe

So is it possible to change it with the SDK on olympe ? I need to do it faster as possible to be in time for my project.
And a second question, is possible to take some pictures? Because I succeed in taking video but not in pictures ? Do I have to to take a screen-shot of my CV2 screen or there is a function who could do that ?

Thank’s for your answer

@AlbanSc I believe you can change the speed by using MaxTilt. I believe the min (in degrees) is 1 and the max is 40.

For example, the following bit of code makes the drone painfully slow in the sphinx simulator:

    IP = ""
    drone = olympe.Drone(IP)
     >> MaxTiltChanged(1,1,1)

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