Increse Anafi Yaw speed


I’m using the PCMD function to control an Anafi drone.
I achieved to have the same control behavior that the app but with a random Logitech controller but I was wondering is there is a way to increase the yaw speed of the drone.
I fact the yaw speed is very slow and might be too slow for my project (even if the PCMD component for yaw is at 100/100)

Is it possible or am I limited but the mechanical properties of the drone ?

Thanking you in advance.


You can use MaxRotationSpeed ARSDK command to increase yaw speed:

Best regards

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That’s very nice !
Thanks you !
What is the default value for the max rotation speed ?

Best regards

Default value is 70deg/s. MaxRotationSpeed can be set between 3 and 200 deg/s. You can check MaxRotationSpeedChanged event message:

2022-02-20 16:09:24,850 [INFO] 	olympe.anafi-pc.drone - _recv_cmd_cb - ardrone3.SpeedSettingsState.MaxRotationSpeedChanged(current=70.0, min=3.0, max=200.0)

Best regards

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Thanks you a lot !

Have a good day.

Best regards.

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