Invalid Mission SDK Version

We can’t upload the Hello! mission to the drone after running “airsdk install”. Here’s the output with the error message:

Creating temporary APC use and authentication token …
Generating challenge …
Sending challenge to the drone …
Completing operation with drone response …
Writing drone SENC/SMAC in ‘tmp/tmpuwzszk6z’…
Connected to ANAFI Ai 001725 [ANAFI Ai PI040452AA2B001725], version 7.7.1
Upload failed : Invalid Mission SDK Version

Hi @gvejaran,

Can you give me the version of your airsdk-cli and your drone ?

For airsdk-cli (give me all the ouput please):

$ airsdk --version

For the drone, you can found the version on FreeFlight app or in the webserver.


Hi Axelm,

The firmware version installed on our ANAFI AI drone is 7.7.1.

The airsdk-cli version is 7.6.0

The original firmware version when we purchased the drone was an older one. We updated it using FreeFlight, and it is now 7.7.1. We used to be able to upload missions before the update.

We tried the following two workarounds without success: (1) reset drone by pressing power button until an LED blinks red color (factory reset), and (2) we purged airsdk-cli and reinstalled it with the four commands listed at Installation - 7.7

Your help is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Hi @gvejaran,

Can you give me the version of your parrot-airsdk-based ?

$ dpkg -s parrot-airsdk-base


Hi Axelm,

We reinstalled Ubuntu 20.04.6 and the issue was resolved.

Thank you very much for your assistance. It’s very much appreciated.

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