Invalid stream socket error

I was trying to test streaming on Sphinx with Olympe example, but got the invalid stream socket error. Anyone knows what’s going on here? The log is as follows:

I pdraw_session: state change to OPENING
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to CREATED
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STARTING
I rtsp_client: connecting to address port 554
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STARTED
I pdraw_session: state change to OPENED
I rtsp_client: client connected
I pdraw_dmxstrm: RTSP connected
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request OPTIONS: cseq=1 session=-
E pdraw_dmxstrmnet: getSingleStreamLocalStreamPort:231: invalid stream socket err=71(Protocol error)
E pdraw_dmxstrmnet: getSingleStreamLocalControlPort:246: invalid control socket err=71(Protocol error)
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request OPTIONS: status=200(OK) cseq=1 session=- req_status=OK
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request DESCRIBE: cseq=2 session=-
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request DESCRIBE: status=200(OK) cseq=2 session=- req_status=OK
I pdraw_dmxstrm: application selected media 1 (DefaultVideo)
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request SETUP: cseq=3 session=-
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request SETUP: status=0(-) cseq=0 session=- req_status=TIMEOUT
E pdraw_dmxstrm: timeout on RTSP setup request
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STOPPING
I rtsp_client: client disconnected
I pdraw_dmxstrm: RTSP disconnected
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STOPPED
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: remove device name=‘ANAFI-0000000’ id=‘000000000000000000’
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: stop
I pdraw_session: state change to CLOSING
I pdraw_session: close: no demuxer is running
I pdraw_session: close: all elements are stopped, closing
I pdraw_session: state change to CLOSED
I pdraw_session: state change to CREATED

Hi, did you update to Olympe 1.0.1 ?

Thank you so much for your quick response! I just started to learn the development, so simply followed Olympe documentation and did sync and build of Olympe hours ago. It should be the latest version, right? how do I check the version?

By the way, other drone actions in such as takeoff, move, landing etc. seem working well. Just this stream socket error.

Hi Bill,

Have you activated (or unintentionaly deactivated) the drone front camera?


Can you share your .drone file and the sphinx command line you are using?



Hi Nicolas,

Thank you for your response.

I used the following command line to start sphinx:

sphinx /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/drones/anafi4k.drone::with_front_cam=true::low_gpu=true

Also I checked another thread about streaming issue and found the same error message in the log of the following reported issue you mentioned there:

“We already have a similar crash report from another user ( ). We are currently working on a fix.”


Your logs seem unrelated to #7. This is why I’d like to investigate your issue.

The first error messages:

E pdraw_dmxstrmnet: getSingleStreamLocalStreamPort:231: invalid stream socket err=71(Protocol error)
E pdraw_dmxstrmnet: getSingleStreamLocalControlPort:246: invalid control socket err=71(Protocol error)

are not fatal. I am more concerned by the third one:

E pdraw_dmxstrm: timeout on RTSP setup request

It seems that the drone has not initialized its front camera. Since you’re able to connect to the drone, it’s certainly running but in a unstable state.

This might happen if your GPU does not meet the recommended system requirements. What is your system configuration (OS version, GPU reference, GPU driver version) ?

Most of the drones have an optional front camera that is used for recording and for live streaming to the controller. This camera is activated by default in the examples installed with Parrot-Sphinx. To disable the front camera, set the with_front_cam option to false. The front camera activation requires a high-end GPU (see System requirements) so you might want to disable it if your system has an integrated or low-end GPU. The drone firmware might not even run if the camera is enabled on a low-end GPU.

With low-end GPU, you might try to use the low_gpu option set to true. This option decreases the front camera rendering quality. Hopefully, this will be enough to run the simulation with the front camera enabled on your system.


Hi Nicolas,

The GPU is AMD Radeon HD 7870. I posted its detailed information as well as Linux, CPU and Memory below. Please let me know if this GPU is not good enough for the simulator and what you recommendation is.


Intel® Core™ i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
4.18.0-25-generic #26~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 27 07:28:31 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Pitcairn XT [Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Pitcairn XT [Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition]
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 33
Memory at e0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
Memory at f7e00000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256K]
I/O ports at e000 [size=256]
Expansion ROM at 000c0000 [disabled] [size=128K]
Kernel driver in use: radeon
Kernel modules: radeon, amdgpu


The support of AMD and Intel GPUs in Sphinx is minimal. Even “high-end” AMD GPUs might not work with the front camera activated. It all comes down to the linux graphics drivers…

If you need the drone front camera, we recommend a nvidia GPU (e.g. a GTX 1060 Ti or better):

1 Like

Hi Ndessart,

Thanks for the information. I’ll try to get this NVIDIA GPU first.


Hi Nicolas,

Now I have just bought an NVIDIA GTX 1660 TI GPU. But I still didn’t get the working. The following is the log:

I pdraw_session: state change to OPENING
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to CREATED
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STARTING
I rtsp_client: connecting to address port 554
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STARTED
I pdraw_session: state change to OPENED
14/07/2019 15:03:36.654101 _open_url Opening pdraw url OK: b’rtsp://’
I rtsp_client: client connected
I pdraw_dmxstrm: RTSP connected
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request OPTIONS: cseq=1 session=-
E pdraw_dmxstrmnet: getSingleStreamLocalStreamPort:231: invalid stream socket err=71(Protocol error)
E pdraw_dmxstrmnet: getSingleStreamLocalControlPort:246: invalid control socket err=71(Protocol error)
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request OPTIONS: status=200(OK) cseq=1 session=- req_status=OK
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request DESCRIBE: cseq=2 session=-
Takeoff if necessary…
14/07/2019 15:03:36.656610 _send_command Ardrone3.Piloting.TakeOff(): has been sent asynchronously
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request DESCRIBE: status=200(OK) cseq=2 session=- req_status=OK
14/07/2019 15:03:36.657141 _select_demuxer_media _select_demuxer_media: idx=0 media_id=1 name=DefaultVideo default=True
I pdraw_dmxstrm: application selected media 1 (DefaultVideo)
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request SETUP: cseq=3 session=-
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request SETUP: status=0(-) cseq=0 session=- req_status=TIMEOUT
E pdraw_dmxstrm: timeout on RTSP setup request
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STOPPING
I rtsp_client: client disconnected
I pdraw_dmxstrm: RTSP disconnected
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STOPPED
14/07/2019 15:03:48.773773 _recv_cmd_cb common.RunState.RunIdChanged(runId=‘6690DA’)
14/07/2019 15:04:27.379337 _recv_cmd_cb camera.recording_progress(cam_id=0, result=recording_result.started, media_id=’’)
14/07/2019 15:04:27.381071 _recv_cmd_cb camera.recording_state(cam_id=0, available=availability.available,, start_timestamp=25741)
14/07/2019 15:04:27.381658 _recv_cmd_cb ardrone3.MediaRecordState.VideoStateChangedV2(state=VideoStateChangedV2_State.started, error=VideoStateChangedV2_Error.ok)
14/07/2019 15:04:28.842555 _send_command Ardrone3.PilotingSettings.MaxTilt(c_double(40.0),): has been sent asynchronously
14/07/2019 15:04:28.843975 _recv_cmd_cb ardrone3.GPSState.HomeTypeAvailabilityChanged(type=HomeTypeAvailabilityChanged_Type.TAKEOFF, available=1)
14/07/2019 15:04:28.844447 _recv_cmd_cb ardrone3.GPSState.HomeTypeChosenChanged(type=HomeTypeChosenChanged_Type.TAKEOFF)
14/07/2019 15:04:28.845562 _recv_cmd_cb ardrone3.PilotingState.NavigateHomeStateChanged(state=NavigateHomeStateChanged_State.available, reason=NavigateHomeStateChanged_Reason.enabled)
14/07/2019 15:04:28.846469 _recv_cmd_cb animation.availability(values=‘horizontal_panorama|dronie|horizontal_reveal|vertical_reveal|twist_up’)
14/07/2019 15:04:28.847410 _recv_cmd_cb ardrone3.PilotingSettingsState.MaxTiltChanged(current=40.0, min=1.0, max=40.0)
Moving by (1/3)…
14/07/2019 15:04:28.848865 _send_command Ardrone3.Piloting.MoveBy(c_double(10.0), c_double(0.0), c_double(0.0), c_double(3.141592653589793)): has been sent asynchronously
14/07/2019 15:04:28.858070 _recv_cmd_cb animation.availability(values=’’)
14/07/2019 15:04:36.046951 _recv_cmd_cb common.CommonState.BatteryStateChanged(percent=99)
14/07/2019 15:04:37.088483 _recv_cmd_cb ardrone3.PilotingEvent.moveByEnd(dX=9.90076732635498, dY=-0.002274066209793091, dZ=0.00048613548278808594, dPsi=6.517730799515675e-10, error=MoveByEnd_Error.ok)
Moving by (2/3)…
14/07/2019 15:04:37.089453 _send_command Ardrone3.Piloting.MoveBy(c_double(10.0), c_double(0.0), c_double(0.0), c_double(3.141592653589793)): has been sent asynchronously
14/07/2019 15:04:44.165075 _recv_cmd_cb ardrone3.PilotingEvent.moveByEnd(dX=9.802892684936523, dY=-0.006900906562805176, dZ=-0.0008704066276550293, dPsi=6.517730799515675e-10, error=MoveByEnd_Error.ok)
Moving by (3/3)…
14/07/2019 15:04:44.166187 _send_command Ardrone3.Piloting.MoveBy(c_double(10.0), c_double(0.0), c_double(0.0), c_double(3.141592653589793)): has been sent asynchronously
14/07/2019 15:04:51.228453 _recv_cmd_cb ardrone3.PilotingEvent.moveByEnd(dX=9.802722930908203, dY=-0.006789535284042358, dZ=-0.00027060508728027344, dPsi=6.517730799515675e-10, error=MoveByEnd_Error.ok)
14/07/2019 15:04:51.230262 _send_command Ardrone3.Piloting.Landing(): has been sent asynchronously
14/07/2019 15:04:51.239708 _recv_cmd_cb follow_me.state(mode=mode.none, behavior=behavior.idle, animation=animation.none, animation_available=’’)

14/07/2019 15:04:56.285940 pause Cannot pause stream from the State.Opened state
14/07/2019 15:04:56.286130 stop_video_streaming Failed to pause video stream
14/07/2019 15:04:56.286288 disconnection we are not disconnected yet
14/07/2019 15:04:56.286586 _disconnected_cb Disconnected from device: ANAFI-0000000
14/07/2019 15:04:56.286806 _disconnection_impl disconnected from device: b’’
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: remove device name=‘ANAFI-0000000’ id=‘000000000000000000’
14/07/2019 15:04:56.287077 _device_removed_cb Device has been removed
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: stop
14/07/2019 15:04:56.287336 _stop_discovery Discovery has been stopped
14/07/2019 15:04:56.287527 _stop_discovery Discovery object has been destroyed
14/07/2019 15:04:56.287787 _destroy_pomp_loop Pomp loop has been destroyed
14/07/2019 15:04:56.289458 _stop_discovery No discovery instance to be stopped
I pdraw_session: state change to CLOSING
I pdraw_session: close: no demuxer is running
I pdraw_session: close: all elements are stopped, closing
I pdraw_session: state change to CLOSED
14/07/2019 15:04:56.290672 _close_stream_impl Closing pdraw stream OK
14/07/2019 15:04:56.290898 _close_resp _close_resp called 0
I pdraw_session: state change to CREATED
14/07/2019 15:04:56.291211 _destroy pdraw destroyed
14/07/2019 15:04:56.336622 disconnection Disconnection with the device OK. IP: b’’

The Sphinx log:

sphinx /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/drones/anafi4k.drone::simple_front_cam=true
Parrot-Sphinx simulator version 1.3

connecting to firmwared version: 1.3
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 7.0.1
Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[Msg] Waiting for master.
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 7.0.1
Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Msg] created parameter server on http:8383
[Msg] connected to firmwared
[Msg] Preparation of firmware
I shd: wind: recreated: generation=16 sample_count=4000 sample_size=24 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=125
[Msg] firmware /usr/share/firmwared/firmwares// supported hardwares: 
[Msg] 	anafi4k
[Wrn] [] Unknown XML attribute: with_external_cams
[Msg] Selected params to build .sdf file for anafi4k:
	param low_gpu = 0
	param product_pro = 0
	param sdcard_serial = __undefined__
	param simple_front_cam = 1
	param with_front_cam = 1
	param with_gimbal = 1
	param with_kalamos = 0
	param with_tof = false
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
I shd: omniscient_anafi4k: recreated: generation=16 sample_count=4000 sample_size=192 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=1125
I shd: time_anafi4k: recreated: generation=16 sample_count=4000 sample_size=24 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=128
I shd: battery_anafi4k: recreated: generation=16 sample_count=4000 sample_size=8 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=48
I shd: gps_anafi4k: recreated: generation=16 sample_count=4000 sample_size=48 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=245
[Wrn] [] A timeout occurred for gimbal_motor_roll
[Wrn] [] A timeout occurred for gimbal_motor_pitch
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Msg] Drone anafi4k[1db42252f6bf5d39afbac968d5d4490555646e72] loaded
[Msg] WEB DASHBOARD IS ACCESSIBLE at http://localhost:9002
[Msg] Instance petulant_johanna[1db42252f6bf5d39afbac968d5d4490555646e72] started
[Msg] All drones instantiated
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!
[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!
[Wrn] [] A timeout occurred for gimbal_motor_roll
[Wrn] [] A timeout occurred for gimbal_motor_pitch
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!
[Wrn] [IioObjectPrivate.hh:299] request for sample already ongoing!

I have get the same error when I want to run code on real Parrot bebop2 drone.
I also updated Olympe to 1.0.1.
Does anyone know what might be the issue?

Hi Bill,

[Err] [] Waited too long in horizontal_came

This seems to be a serious error also I can’t reproduce it. I’ll have to guess what is going on.

What is the output of the following command ?

$ modinfo nvidia

Have you installed the Nvidia proprietary drivers ? If not (or if the previous command returned something like modinfo: ERROR: Module nvidia not found.) :

$ sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
$ sudo reboot

If everything is fine you should get a similar output:

$ modinfo nvidia
  filename:       /lib/modules/4.15.0-52-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia.ko
  alias:          char-major-195-*
  version:        390.116
  supported:      external
  license:        NVIDIA

@AradM, if that does not work for you would you please create another topic in the Sphinx category and share your Sphinx console output, your .drone file, the sphinx command line you are using and your system configuration ($ uname -a; sudo lshw -C display; lscpu; cat /etc/issue). Thanks

Hi Nicolas,

modinfo nvidia does look good:

filename: /lib/modules/4.18.0-25-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia.ko
alias: char-major-195-*
version: 418.56
supported: external
license: NVIDIA
srcversion: AA5D9C867B6BC7FFD055995
alias: pci:v000010DEd00000E00svsdbc04sc80i00*
alias: pci:v000010DEdsvsdbc03sc02i00
alias: pci:v000010DEdsvsdbc03sc00i00
depends: ipmi_msghandler
retpoline: Y
name: nvidia
vermagic: 4.18.0-25-generic SMP mod_unload
signat: PKCS#7

I also built pdraw and ran it when the drone was flying. It did show the stream video and the log of pdraw’s successful run is as follows (somehow is not working):


| _ \ \ _ _ /\ \ / /
| / |) | '/ _ \ // /
| |_/||// __/_/

Parrot Drones Awesome Video Viewer
Copyright © 2016 Aurelien Barre
Copyright © 2017 Parrot Drones SAS

Streaming from URL ‘rtsp://’

I pdraw_desktop: display mode: 1920x1080 60Hz
I pdraw_session: state change to CREATED
I pdraw_element: ‘Gles2Renderer’: element state change to CREATED (async notify)
I pdraw_element: ‘Gles2Renderer’: element state change to STARTING (async notify)
I pdraw_element: ‘Gles2Renderer’: element state change to STARTED (async notify)
I pdraw_session: state change to OPENING
I pdraw_desktop: socket_created_cb fd=22
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to CREATED
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STARTING
I rtsp_client: connecting to address port 554
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STARTED
I pdraw_session: state change to OPENED
I pdraw_desktop: open_resp_cb status=0(Success)
I rtsp_client: client connected
I pdraw_dmxstrm: RTSP connected
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request OPTIONS: cseq=1 session=-
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request OPTIONS: status=200(OK) cseq=1 session=- req_status=OK
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request DESCRIBE: cseq=2 session=-
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request DESCRIBE: status=200(OK) cseq=2 session=- req_status=OK
I pdraw_dmxstrm: application selected media 1 (DefaultVideo)
I pdraw_desktop: socket_created_cb fd=34
I pdraw_desktop: socket_created_cb fd=35
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request SETUP: cseq=3 session=-
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request SETUP: status=200(OK) cseq=3 session=f5d742c454c33cfd req_status=OK
I rtsp_client: client session f5d742c454c33cfd added
I pdraw_desktop: ready_to_play_cb ready=1
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request PLAY: cseq=4 session=f5d742c454c33cfd
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request PLAY: status=200(OK) cseq=4 session=f5d742c454c33cfd req_status=OK
I pdraw_desktop: play_resp_cb status=0(Success) timestamp=0 speed=1.000000
I vstrm: receiver: init_source: ssrc=0x617a6bb2 seq=0
I vstrm: receiver: init_seq: seq=0
I pdraw_dmxstrm: new output media
I pdraw_source: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: add port for media id=1 type=VIDEO
I vdec_ffmpeg: libavcodec version=57.89.100 - using CPU H.264 decoding
I pdraw_element: ‘AvcDecoder’: element state change to CREATED
I pdraw_sink: ‘AvcDecoder’: link media id=1 type=VIDEO
I pdraw_element: ‘AvcDecoder’: element state change to STARTING
I vdec: dimensions: width=1280 height=720 SAR=1:1
I vdec: crop: left=0 top=0 width=1280 height=720
I vdec: declared framerate: 30000/1001 -> 29.970 fps
I vdec: declared NAL bitrate: 5000000 bit/s (CPB size 3000000 bits)
I pdraw_source: ‘AvcDecoder’: add port for media id=2 type=VIDEO
I pdraw_sink: ‘Gles2Renderer’: link media id=2 type=VIDEO
I pdraw_source: ‘AvcDecoder’: link media id=2 type=VIDEO (channel key=0x563fd5388360)
I pdraw_element: ‘AvcDecoder’: element state change to STARTED
I pdraw_source: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: link media id=1 type=VIDEO (channel key=0x7f9021409550)
W pdraw_decavc: duplicate timestamp (0), incrementing
I pdraw_desktop: media_added_cb id=2
I pdraw_desktop: media_added_cb id=1
[h264 @ 0x7f9021409920] Reinit context to 1280x720, pix_fmt: yuv420p
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: cseq=5 session=f5d742c454c33cfd
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: status=200(OK) cseq=5 session=f5d742c454c33cfd req_status=OK
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: cseq=6 session=f5d742c454c33cfd
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: status=200(OK) cseq=6 session=f5d742c454c33cfd req_status=OK
W pdraw_decavc: duplicate timestamp (20873714667), incrementing
W pdraw_decavc: timestamp rollback from 20873714668 to 20873714667, incrementing
W pdraw_decavc: timestamp rollback from 20873714669 to 20873714667, incrementing
W pdraw_decavc: timestamp rollback from 20873714670 to 20873714667, incrementing
W pdraw_decavc: timestamp rollback from 20873714671 to 20873714667, incrementing
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: cseq=7 session=f5d742c454c33cfd
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: status=200(OK) cseq=7 session=f5d742c454c33cfd req_status=OK
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: cseq=8 session=f5d742c454c33cfd
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: status=200(OK) cseq=8 session=f5d742c454c33cfd req_status=OK
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: cseq=9 session=f5d742c454c33cfd
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: status=200(OK) cseq=9 session=f5d742c454c33cfd req_status=OK
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: cseq=10 session=f5d742c454c33cfd
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: status=200(OK) cseq=10 session=f5d742c454c33cfd req_status=OK
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: cseq=11 session=f5d742c454c33cfd
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request GET_PARAMETER: status=454(Session Not Found) cseq=11 session=f5d742c454c33cfd req_status=FAILED
I rtsp_client: client session f5d742c454c33cfd removed
I pdraw_dmxstrm: RTSP session f5d742c454c33cfd removed, status=71(Protocol error)
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STOPPING
E rtsp_client: send_teardown: session not found
E pdraw_dmxstrm: stop:925: rtsp_client_teardown err=2(No such file or directory)
I rtsp_client: client disconnected
I pdraw_dmxstrm: RTSP disconnected
I pdraw_desktop: ready_to_play_cb ready=0
I pdraw_element: ‘AvcDecoder’: element state change to STOPPING
I pdraw_sink: ‘AvcDecoder’: unlink media id=1 type=VIDEO
I pdraw_source: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: unlink media id=1 type=VIDEO (channel key=0x7f9021409550)
I pdraw_source: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: delete port for media id=1 type=VIDEO
I pdraw_element: ‘StreamDemuxerNet’: element state change to STOPPED
I pdraw_sink: ‘Gles2Renderer’: unlink media id=2 type=VIDEO
I pdraw_source: ‘AvcDecoder’: unlink media id=2 type=VIDEO (channel key=0x563fd5388360)
I pdraw_source: ‘AvcDecoder’: delete port for media id=2 type=VIDEO
I pdraw_element: ‘AvcDecoder’: element state change to STOPPED
I pdraw_desktop: media_removed_cb id=1
I pdraw_desktop: unrecoverable_error_cb
I pdraw_desktop: media_removed_cb id=2
I pdraw_element: ‘Gles2Renderer’: element state change to STOPPING (async notify)
I pdraw_element: ‘Gles2Renderer’: element state change to STOPPED
I pdraw_session: state change to CLOSING
I pdraw_session: close: no demuxer is running
I pdraw_session: close: all elements are stopped, closing
I pdraw_session: state change to CLOSED
I pdraw_desktop: close_resp_cb status=0(Success)

Hasta la vista, PDrAW!

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