Network feature SetCellularMaxBitrate Anafi AI


I am trying to control the bitrate of the stream of the anafi AI when connected to Anafi with 4g. I am using Network features from olympe.
I implemented 1 ros service to get the state of the network :

def srv_get_state_cb(self, req):
    self.drone(GetState(include_default_capabilities = True))
    return Trigger._response_class(True, "")

And a subscriber to set the max bitrate :

def set_max_bitrate_cb(self, msg):
    self.drone(SetCellularMaxBitrate(max_bitrate =

So i get the sate before and after publishing the bitrate but the state does not change :

network.state : OrderedDict([('default_capabilities', {'supported_direct_connection_modes': (< 1>, <DirectConnectionMode.legacy: 0>), 'cellular_min_bitrate': 0, 'cellular_max_bitrate': 0}), ('routing_info', {'policy': <RoutingPolicy.wlan: 1>, 'current_link': <RoutingLink.wlan: 1>}), ('global_link_quality', {'quality': 3}), ('links_status', {'links': [{'type': <LinkType.wlan: 3>, 'status': <LinkStatus.running: 2>, 'quality': 3, 'error': <LinkError.none: 0>, 'cellular_status': <CellularStatus.unknown: 0>}]}), ('cellular_max_bitrate', {'max_bitrate': 0}), ('direct_connection_mode', <DirectConnectionMode.legacy: 0>)])

Here is how I publish my message :

rostopic pub /network/set_routing_policy std_msgs/UInt32 "data: 2"

I have the latest version of Olympe with an anafi ai with a firmware up to date.
Does it ring a bell to anyone ?
Thanks !