I use : Parrot-Sphinx simulator version 2.15.1 and the latest version of olympe.
And I no longer manage to retrieve GPS values from sphinx
Here is the command I launch :
sphinx-server $anafi_config::$anafi_image::name=anafi_ai_$id_agent::pose="5 5 0 0 0 1.570796"::wifi_iface=::remote_ctrl_ip=X.X.X.X \
> log_sphinx_$id_agent.txt 2>&1 \
& $map2 -RenderOffScreen \
-config-file=/Path/to/config/config_gps.yaml \
-gps-json='{"lat_deg":XX.XX, "lng_deg":X.X, "elevation":X}' \
The drone is alive and appeared to spawn at the right place :
[2025.03.06-15.17.06:185][ 85]LogGzUE4: Display: Client got connected
[2025.03.06-15.17.06:185][ 85]LogGzUE4: Display: GPS coords: latitude: XX.XX, longitude: X.X, elevation: X
[2025.03.06-15.17.07:142][138]LogAMS: Display: Client connected
[2025.03.06-15.17.08:777][236]LogGzUE4: Display: Client got connected
I got this log when launching sphinx :
LogUnixPlatformFile: Warning: create dir('/opt/parrot-ue4-empty/Empty/Saved/Config/CrashReportClient/UE4CC-Linux-C46339549D2E4AFDBE151FFFF22ABD76/CrashReportClient.ini') failed: errno=13 (Permission denied)
LogUnixPlatformFile: Warning: create dir('/opt/parrot-ue4-empty/Empty/Saved/Config/CrashReportClient/UE4CC-Linux-C46339549D2E4AFDBE151FFFF22ABD76/CrashReportClient.ini') failed: errno=13 (Permission denied)
But when I try to get gps info with olympe I get :
x: 500.0
y: 500.0
z: X
Long, lat, elevation
I tried to ulogcat :
clear && sudo ulogcat -C -vlong
01-01 01:23:53.322 E iiops (imu2quat-1385) : icm42605: 'fsync' IIO channel not found
01-01 01:23:53.322 E iiops (imu2quat-1385) : icm42605: can't enable channels: No such file or directory
01-01 01:23:53.322 E sensors_imu_vcam(imu2quat-1385) : can't init imu vcam
01-01 01:23:53.322 E pomp (imu2quat-1385) : fd=20, cb=0x7f54164e23d0 still in loop
01-01 01:23:53.322 E pomp (imu2quat-1385) : fd=17, cb=0x7f54164edcf0 still in loop
01-01 01:23:53.322 E imu2quat_consumer(imu2quat-1385) : failed to initialize imu vcam sensor
01-01 01:23:53.322 E imu2quatd (imu2quat-1385) : failed to create consumer context
01-01 01:23:53.322 E imu2quatd (imu2quat-1385) : failed to create main context
01-01 06:55:34.404 N boxinit (boxinit-1489451) : process 'imu2quatd', pid 1385 exited
01-01 06:55:34.404 N boxinit (boxinit-1489451) : process 'imu2quatd' killing any children in process group
This one all along :
Blocking DroneController.Messages.Event.gps_satellites
This one when connecting with olympe :
01-01 01:07:12.502 W manager_ng (control-263) : dmip_to_sdk_old_home_type(273) : unexpected home 5
01-01 01:07:12.503 E manager_ng (control-263) : state_send_ardrone3_home_changed:538: ditf_get_home_coordinates err=2(No such file or directory)
01-01 01:07:12.503 E manager_ng (control-263) : state_send_autopilot_mode_availability(4678) : ditf_autopilot_get_availability() failed with errno 2(No such file or directory)
01-01 01:07:12.503 I manager_ng (control-263) : gauge_fw_updater: diag=0 missing_requirements=0x0 state=0
01-01 01:07:12.514 I loggerd (loggerd-228) : Update gcs_type @1058:131 -> EVT:CONTROLLER;event='connected';type='desktop';protocol='arsdk';link='other'
01-01 01:07:12.514 I loggerd (loggerd-228) : Update gcs_name @916:131 -> EVTS:CONTROLLER;name='olympe'
01-01 01:07:12.541 I loggerd (loggerd-288) : Update gcs_type @1075:131 -> EVT:CONTROLLER;event='connected';type='desktop';protocol='arsdk';link='other'
01-01 01:07:12.541 I loggerd (loggerd-288) : Update gcs_name @933:131 -> EVTS:CONTROLLER;name='olympe'
01-01 01:07:12.587 I server (webserver-271/civetweb-worker-365): http request (media v1): GET /api/v1/media/medias
01-01 01:07:12.588 I server (webserver-271/civetweb-worker-365): http response (media v1): Status='200', Content-Type='application/json', Content-Length='2'
01-01 01:07:12.814 W droneitf (control-263) : Invalid hardware version pv1
01-01 01:07:12.814 E manager_ng (control-263) : wifi_to_sdk_band error: unknown DMIP enum(0)
What I understood is that Sphinx does not give gps values anymore. When I check for ‘gps out_of_order’ value in http://localhost:9002/, out_of_order is false >>> gps should be okay.
I hope this rings a bell to you, I don’t know what to do !
Thanks !