Olympe 1.8.0: repo sync error

Hi to all,

when try to sync the repo i get the following error :

i try to rerun the command with parameters

repo sync -j1 --fail-fast

but the error (as shown above) persists

only when i run the command (as suggested from the terminal )

repo sync -l

i get instantly the following message

repo sync has finished successfully

Is this normal ?

Yes, Olympe has just been updated with major changes.
We will publish the docs very soon!

Hi Jerome,

thanks for the quick reply!
That means I cannot continue with the installation steps ( olympe-linux dependencies , build etc ) as shown in https://developer.parrot.com/docs/olympe/installation.html
Because i have already tried this a couple of times without any success. I had some build errors due to missing dependencies (e.g. Olympe).

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