PointNFly anafi AI

Hello there,
I am struggling with the PointNfly feature of olympe using an anafi ai under sphinx without GUI (I have my own):

expectation_point = self.drone(
        Execute(point=dict(Point(gimbal_control_mode=msg.poi_mode, latitude=msg.latitude, longitude=msg.longitude,altitude=msg.altitude)))
        >> State(active=dict(point=dict(Point(gimbal_control_mode=msg.poi_mode, latitude=msg.latitude, longitude=msg.longitude,altitude=msg.altitude))))
        >> FlyingStateChanged(state="flying")
    if not expectation_point.success():
        print("PointNfFly The drone has failed executing the 'Point' directive")

        expectation_pointnfly_above_alt = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_above_alt.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because above alt")
        expectation_pointnfly_not_flying = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_not_flying.success():
            print("PointNFly is not possible when the drone is not flying")
        expectation_pointnfly_not_calib = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_not_calib.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because not calib")
        expectation_pointnfly_closetogroud = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_closetogroud.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because too close to ground")
        expectation_pointnfly_no_batt = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_no_batt.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because no battery")
        expectation_pointnfly_no_gps = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_no_gps.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because no gps")
        expectation_pointnfly_out_geo = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_out_geo.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because out geofence")
    print("PointNFly 'Point' directive is executing! The drone is pointing to it")

I tried to get the info why the Point was failing but nothing it just returns :

PointNfFly The drone has failed executing the 'Point' directive

Do you have any idea why it doesn’t work for me ?
Thanks !

Hello Jatou,

That may be induced by the state of your drone when sending this command. The drone should be flying in a ‘hovering’ state for instance. In what state is your drone when you’re requesting this Point directive?

More over, why did you add additional dict in your Execute command?
Have you tried :

expectation_point = self.drone(
    Execute(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=msg.poi_mode, latitude=msg.latitude, longitude=msg.longitude,altitude=msg.altitude))
    >> State(active=dict(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=msg.poi_mode, latitude=msg.latitude, longitude=msg.longitude,altitude=msg.altitude)))
    >> FlyingStateChanged(state="flying")

When calling a point directive my drone is in hovering state.
This is my verification code :

expectation_point = self.drone(
    Execute(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=msg.poi_mode, latitude=msg.latitude, longitude=msg.longitude,altitude=msg.altitude))
    >> State(active=dict(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=msg.poi_mode, latitude=msg.latitude, longitude=msg.longitude,altitude=msg.altitude)))
    >> FlyingStateChanged(state="flying")
execution = self.drone(expectation_point).wait(30)
if not execution.success():
        print("PointNfFly The drone has failed executing the 'Point' directive")
        print(f" EXPLAIN : {expectation_point.explain()}")
        # print(f"PointNFly unavailibility reasons {self.drone(State(unavailable=dict(reasons=[])))}")
        # unavailable_state = 
        # reasons = unavailable_state # .unavailable.reasons
        for reasons in self.drone(State(unavailable=dict())):
            print(f"PointNFly unavailibility type : {type(reasons)}, reasons : {vars(reasons)}, {i}")
            # if i==1:
            #    print(f"PointNFly unavailibility reasons {reasons.Unavailable}")
        expectation_pointnfly_above_alt = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_above_alt.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because above alt")
        expectation_pointnfly_not_flying = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_not_flying.success():
            print("PointNFly is not possible when the drone is not flying")
        expectation_pointnfly_not_calib = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_not_calib.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because not calib")
        expectation_pointnfly_closetogroud = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_closetogroud.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because too close to ground")
        expectation_pointnfly_no_batt = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_no_batt.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because no battery")
        expectation_pointnfly_no_gps = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_no_gps.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because no gps")
        expectation_pointnfly_out_geo = self.drone(
        if expectation_pointnfly_out_geo.success():
            print("PointNFly failed because out geofence")
        print("PointNFly unavailable for none of the unavailibility reasons")
print("PointNFly 'Point' directive is executing! The drone is pointing to it")

And this is the error when publishing this ros message :
rostopic pub /OlympeBridge/PointNFly/Point olympe_bridge/Poi “{latitude: XX, longitude: XX, altitude: 10.0, poi_mode: 0}” :

PointNfFly The drone has failed executing the 'Point' directive
                point=dict(gimbal_control_mode=0, latitude=XX, longitude=XX, altitude=10.0)
PointNFly unavailibility type : <class 'olympe.arsdkng.expectations.ArsdkCheckStateExpectation'>, reasons : {'_future': <Future at 0x7f2af43792e0 state=cancelled>, '_awaited': True, '_scheduler': <olympe.media.MediaScheduler object at 0x7f2af71bcd30>, '_success': False, '_timeout': None, '_deadline': None, '_timedout': False, '_scheduled_condition': <Condition(<unlocked _thread.RLock object owner=0 count=0 at 0x7f2af42636c0>, 0)>, '_asyncio_future': None, '_float_tol': (1e-07, 1e-09), 'expected_message': <olympe.arsdkng.messages.pointnfly.Event.State object at 0x7f2af4263fa0>, 'expected_event_type': <class 'olympe.arsdkng.events.ArsdkProtoMessageEvent'>, 'expected_args': OrderedDict([('unavailable', {})]), 'matched_state': None}, 0
PointNFly unavailibility type : <class 'olympe.arsdkng.expectations.ArsdkEventExpectation'>, reasons : {'_future': <Future at 0x7f2af4433f40 state=pending>, '_awaited': True, '_scheduler': <olympe.media.MediaScheduler object at 0x7f2af71bcd30>, '_success': False, '_timeout': None, '_deadline': None, '_timedout': False, '_scheduled_condition': <Condition(<unlocked _thread.RLock object owner=0 count=0 at 0x7f2af4433270>, 0)>, '_asyncio_future': None, '_float_tol': (1e-07, 1e-09), 'expected_message': <olympe.arsdkng.messages.pointnfly.Event.State object at 0x7f2af44336d0>, 'expected_args': OrderedDict([('unavailable', {})]), 'expected_event_type': <class 'olympe.arsdkng.events.ArsdkProtoMessageEvent'>, 'received_args': [], '_received_events': [], 'matched_args': OrderedDict()}, 1
PointNFly unavailable for none of the unavailibility reasons

I can’t seem to do it right. Any help would be great !

Hey Jatou,

First, there’s no need to redefine a second expectation to wait for :slight_smile:
You could simply do it this way :

expectation_point = self.drone(
    Execute(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=msg.poi_mode, latitude=msg.latitude, longitude=msg.longitude,altitude=msg.altitude))
    >> State(active=dict(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=msg.poi_mode, latitude=msg.latitude, longitude=msg.longitude,altitude=msg.altitude)))
    >> FlyingStateChanged(state="flying")
if not expectation_point.success():

It won’t change anything because the class drone() returns the expectation passed as argument for convenience, but it just the way we usually do

Secondly, it seems like the State command is the guilty one, not to offend you but just to be sure it is not a careless error, you did change the real values of your latittude and longitude in your error log by XX to hide it, but the values you’re using to expect your command are real ones?

Then, I do not see any check of your flight state before sending a Point directive
That’s why this check is quite necessary to pass before sending a directive :

expectation_hovering = drone(FlyingStateChanged(state="hovering")).wait(_timeout=30)
if not expectation_hovering.success():
    print("The drone is not hovering")
print("Hovering succeeded! The drone is flying in 'hovering' state!")

Once the drone has reached this hovering state, you can make sure it is ready to receive a future pointandfly directive

# Make sure that the drone can apply a directive in its 'hovering' (ie flying) state
expectation_pointnfly_flying = drone(State(idle=dict())).wait(_timeout=30)
if not expectation_pointnfly_flying.success():
    print("PointNFly is not possible even if the drone is flying")
print("PointNFly correct state 'idle' when the drone is in 'hovering' state!")

Finally, the code I’ve provided you to check why the drone is not getting pointandfly directives once it is in the correct hovering flying state could help us :slight_smile: :

possible_unavailability_reasons = drone(State()).wait(
assert possible_unavailability_reasons.success()

unavailability_reasons = (
print(f"Unavailibity reasons : {unavailability_reasons}")

Yes I have good values for latitude, longitude. Altitude is from ground or gps ? I tried both and it did not work.
I tried what you gave me :

expectation_hovering = drone(FlyingStateChanged(state="hovering")).wait(_timeout=30)
if not expectation_hovering.success():
    print("The drone is not hovering")
print("Hovering succeeded! The drone is flying in 'hovering' state!")
# Make sure that the drone can apply a directive in its 'hovering' (ie flying) state
expectation_pointnfly_flying = drone(State(idle=dict())).wait(_timeout=30)
if not expectation_pointnfly_flying.success():
    print("PointNFly is not possible even if the drone is flying")
print("PointNFly correct state 'idle' when the drone is in 'hovering' state!")

And it returned :

PointNFly is not possible even if the drone is flying

So I tried to get the state of The point directive but here you get the state of the drone not of the point directive, isn’t it :


Assuming you get the state of the point directive, i tried :

    if not expectation_pointnfly_flying.success():
        rospy.logdebug("PointNFly : not idle")
        expectation_pointnfly_active = self.drone(State(active=dict())).wait(_timeout=10)
        if not expectation_pointnfly_active.success():
            print("PointNFly : not active")
            expectation_pointnfly_unavailable = self.drone(State(unavailable=dict())).wait(_timeout=10)
            if not expectation_pointnfly_unavailable.success():
                print("PointNFly : not available")

What returns :

PointNFly : not idle
PointNFly : not active
PointNFly : not available

But here I assume it is a problem with my code. I really don’t know what is wrong there

Hey Jatou,

The State in question comes from the PointNFly proto message, so it’s the state of the pointnfly feature of the drone, not the global state of the drone (we have plenty of states possible) :slight_smile: so it actually is the state of the point/fly directives

Okey so your pointnfly is indeed not available, but it seems like your drone is effectively hovering
When printing the args of the expectation_pointnfly_unavailable expectation, you still do have an empty list don’t you?

unavailability_reasons = (
print(f"Unavailibity reasons : {unavailability_reasons}")

What bothers me is that my code works for me and I can’t reproduce your issue

Actually, the list is not empty :

if not execution.success():
        print("PointNfFly The drone has failed executing the 'Point' directive")
        print(f" EXPLAIN : {expectation_point.explain()}")

Returns :

PointNfFly The drone has failed executing the 'Point' directive
                point=dict(gimbal_control_mode=0, latitude=XX, longitude=XX, altitude=10.0)
PointNFly unavailibility type : <class 'olympe.arsdkng.expectations.ArsdkCheckStateExpectation'>, reasons : {'_future': <Future at 0x7f2af43792e0 state=cancelled>, '_awaited': True, '_scheduler': <olympe.media.MediaScheduler object at 0x7f2af71bcd30>, '_success': False, '_timeout': None, '_deadline': None, '_timedout': False, '_scheduled_condition': <Condition(<unlocked _thread.RLock object owner=0 count=0 at 0x7f2af42636c0>, 0)>, '_asyncio_future': None, '_float_tol': (1e-07, 1e-09), 'expected_message': <olympe.arsdkng.messages.pointnfly.Event.State object at 0x7f2af4263fa0>, 'expected_event_type': <class 'olympe.arsdkng.events.ArsdkProtoMessageEvent'>, 'expected_args': OrderedDict([('unavailable', {})]), 'matched_state': None}, 0
PointNFly unavailibility type : <class 'olympe.arsdkng.expectations.ArsdkEventExpectation'>, reasons : {'_future': <Future at 0x7f2af4433f40 state=pending>, '_awaited': True, '_scheduler': <olympe.media.MediaScheduler object at 0x7f2af71bcd30>, '_success': False, '_timeout': None, '_deadline': None, '_timedout': False, '_scheduled_condition': <Condition(<unlocked _thread.RLock object owner=0 count=0 at 0x7f2af4433270>, 0)>, '_asyncio_future': None, '_float_tol': (1e-07, 1e-09), 'expected_message': <olympe.arsdkng.messages.pointnfly.Event.State object at 0x7f2af44336d0>, 'expected_args': OrderedDict([('unavailable', {})]), 'expected_event_type': <class 'olympe.arsdkng.events.ArsdkProtoMessageEvent'>, 'received_args': [], '_received_events': [], 'matched_args': OrderedDict()}, 1
PointNFly unavailable for none of the unavailibility reasons

It says your state is unavailable for directives, but without giving the reason
What version of firmware are you using?

I am using sphinx for tests :
sphinx --version
Parrot-Sphinx simulator version 2.15.1

Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.11.0
Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

And my drone (never tested yet) : 7.7.1

You do confirm you actually take off before sending the Point directive?
Do you have the same issue when copy-pasting exactly the script i’ve given you?
Could you please transfer me your entire script?
I’d like to recreate the problem

Yes as you saw I was in hovering state before sending the point directive.

Here is the function I use :

def sub_point_cb(self, msg):
    Poi = Point(gimbal_control_mode=msg.poi_mode, latitude=msg.latitude, longitude=msg.longitude,altitude=msg.altitude)
    print(f"Latitude: {msg.latitude}, Longitude: {msg.longitude}, Altitude: {msg.altitude}")
    expectation_hovering = self.drone(FlyingStateChanged(state="hovering")).wait(_timeout=30)
    if not expectation_hovering.success():
        rospy.logdebug("The drone is not hovering")
    rospy.logdebug("Hovering succeeded! The drone is flying in 'hovering' state!")
    # Make sure that the drone can apply a directive in its 'hovering' (ie flying) state
    expectation_pointnfly_flying = self.drone(State(idle=dict())).wait(_timeout=10)
    if not expectation_pointnfly_flying.success():
        rospy.logdebug("PointNFly : not idle")
        expectation_pointnfly_active = self.drone(State(active=dict())).wait(_timeout=10)
        if not expectation_pointnfly_active.success():
            print("PointNFly : not active")
            expectation_pointnfly_unavailable = self.drone(State(unavailable=dict())).wait(_timeout=10)
            if not expectation_pointnfly_unavailable.success():
                print("PointNFly : not available")
    rospy.logdebug("PointNFly correct state 'idle' when the drone is in 'hovering' state!")
    expectation_point = self.drone(
    Execute(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=msg.poi_mode, latitude=msg.latitude, longitude=msg.longitude,altitude=msg.altitude))
    >> State(active=dict(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=msg.poi_mode, latitude=msg.latitude, longitude=msg.longitude,altitude=msg.altitude)))
    >> FlyingStateChanged(state="flying")

    # Sending the expectation chain to the drone and waiting for up to 30 seconds
    execution = self.drone(expectation_point
            #    >> State(active=dict(
            #     point=dict(Poi)  # Ensure Poi is used correctly for the state
            #     ), _policy='check')  # Ensure the state is checked after execution
            #    >> FlyingStateChanged(state="hovering", _policy='check')
    # assert expectation_point.success()
    if not execution.success():
            possible_unavailability_reasons = self.drone(State()).wait(_timeout=15.0)
            unavailability_reasons = (possible_unavailability_reasons.received_events().last().args["unavailable"])
            rospy.logdebug(f"Unavailibity reasons : {unavailability_reasons}")
    # if not execution.success():
    #     print("PointNfFly The drone has failed executing the 'Point' directive")
    #     expectation_point.explain()
    #     print(f" EXPLAIN : {expectation_point.explain()}")
    #     i=0
    #     for reasons in self.drone(State(unavailable=dict())):
    #         print(f"PointNFly unavailibility type : {type(reasons)}, reasons : {vars(reasons)}, {i}")
    #         i=i+1
    #         # if i==1:
    #         #    print(f"PointNFly unavailibility reasons {reasons.Unavailable}")
    #     expectation_pointnfly_above_alt = self.drone(
    #     State(unavailable=dict(reasons=["UNAVAILABILITY_REASON_DRONE_ABOVE_MAX_ALTITUDE"]))
    #     ).wait(_timeout=10)
    #     if expectation_pointnfly_above_alt.success():
    #         print("PointNFly failed because above alt")
    #         return
    #     expectation_pointnfly_not_flying = self.drone(
    #     State(unavailable=dict(reasons=["UNAVAILABILITY_REASON_DRONE_NOT_FLYING"]))
    #     ).wait(_timeout=10)
    #     if expectation_pointnfly_not_flying.success():
    #         print("PointNFly is not possible when the drone is not flying")
    #         return
    #     expectation_pointnfly_not_calib = self.drone(
    #     State(unavailable=dict(reasons=["UNAVAILABILITY_REASON_DRONE_NOT_CALIBRATED"]))
    #     ).wait(_timeout=10)
    #     if expectation_pointnfly_not_calib.success():
    #         print("PointNFly failed because not calib")
    #         return
    #     expectation_pointnfly_closetogroud = self.drone(
    #     State(unavailable=dict(reasons=["UNAVAILABILITY_REASON_DRONE_TOO_CLOSE_TO_GROUND"]))
    #     ).wait(_timeout=10)
    #     if expectation_pointnfly_closetogroud.success():
    #         print("PointNFly failed because too close to ground")
    #         return
    #     expectation_pointnfly_no_batt = self.drone(
    #     State(unavailable=dict(reasons=["UNAVAILABILITY_REASON_DRONE_INSUFFICIENT_BATTERY"]))
    #     ).wait(_timeout=10)
    #     if expectation_pointnfly_no_batt.success():
    #         print("PointNFly failed because no battery")
    #         return
    #     expectation_pointnfly_no_gps = self.drone(
    #     State(unavailable=dict(reasons=["UNAVAILABILITY_REASON_DRONE_GPS_INFO_INACCURATE"]))
    #     ).wait(_timeout=10)
    #     if expectation_pointnfly_no_gps.success():
    #         print("PointNFly failed because no gps")
    #         return
    #     expectation_pointnfly_out_geo = self.drone(
    #     State(unavailable=dict(reasons=["UNAVAILABILITY_REASON_DRONE_OUT_GEOFENCE"]))
    #     ).wait(_timeout=10)
    #     if expectation_pointnfly_out_geo.success():
    #         print("PointNFly failed because out geofence")
    #         return
    #     print("PointNFly unavailable for none of the unavailibility reasons")
    #     return
    print("PointNFly 'Point' directive is executing! The drone is pointing to it")

The commented part was to print the reasons as I was not able to see it before your help.

I’ve tested and it does work for me
Is that all your script? Don’t you do any other actions? Have you tried copy-pasting the script I’ve given you without modifying anything else than the latitude/longtitude/yaw values?

Thanks for your answer. I tried this script in a venv with sphinx :

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import olympe 
from std_msgs.msg import UInt8
from std_srvs.srv import Trigger

from olympe.messages.ardrone3.Piloting import TakeOff, Landing

from olympe.messages.pointnfly import (
from olympe.messages.pointnfly.Command import (
from olympe.enums.pointnfly import (
    ExecutionStatus,  # SUCCES = 0 | FAILED = 1 | INTERRUPTED = 2

from olympe.messages.pointnfly.Event import (
from olympe.messages.ardrone3.PilotingState import (
olympe.log.update_config({"loggers": {"olympe": {"level": "ERROR"}}})
class Test:
    def __init__(self):
        self.drone = olympe.Drone("")
        self.started = False

    def start(self):
        assert self.drone.connect(retry=3)
        if not self.started:

    def stop(self):
        if self.started:
            self.started = False
    def takeoff(self):
        assert self.drone(TakeOff()).wait().success()
        self.takeoff_bool = True
        print("I took off !")
    def land(self):
        assert self.drone(Landing()).wait().success()
        print("I Landed !")

    def point(self):

        expectation_hovering = self.drone(FlyingStateChanged(state="hovering")).wait(_timeout=30)
        # if not expectation_hovering.success():
        #     print("The drone is not hovering")
        #     return
        while not expectation_hovering.success():
            print("wainting for hovering state")
        print("Hovering succeeded! The drone is flying in 'hovering' state!")
        # Make sure that the drone can apply a directive in its 'hovering' (ie flying) state
        expectation_pointnfly_flying = self.drone(State(idle=dict())).wait(_timeout=30)
        if not expectation_pointnfly_flying.success():
            print("PointNFly is not possible even if the drone is flying")
        print("PointNFly correct state 'idle' when the drone is in 'hovering' state!")
        expectation_point = self.drone(
        Execute(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=0, latitude=43.542241, longitude=1.359260, altitude=0.30))
        >> State(active=dict(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=0, latitude=XX, longitude=XX,altitude=XX)))
        >> FlyingStateChanged(state="flying")
        if not expectation_point.success():
            possible_unavailability_reasons = self.drone(State()).wait(
            assert possible_unavailability_reasons.success()
            unavailability_reasons = (
            print(f"Unavailibity reasons : {unavailability_reasons}")
        else : 
            print("PointNFly executing ...")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if test.takeoff_bool:
        if test.point_bool:
            if test.landed:

It returns :

Hovering succeeded! The drone is flying in 'hovering' state!
PointNFly is not possible even if the drone is flying

Meaning the Point directive is not in idle state, right ? But I can’t figure out why not.

Yes that what it means but as said many times those previous days, just execute the exact script I’ve given you, set lat/lon/yaw values so that the drone moves not too far from its init position, no more no less :slight_smile:

I pretty much added everything yo utold me to in the point function :

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import olympe 
from std_msgs.msg import UInt8
from std_srvs.srv import Trigger

from olympe.messages.ardrone3.Piloting import TakeOff, Landing, moveBy

from olympe.messages.pointnfly import (
from olympe.messages.pointnfly.Command import (
from olympe.enums.pointnfly import (
    ExecutionStatus,  # SUCCES = 0 | FAILED = 1 | INTERRUPTED = 2

from olympe.messages.pointnfly.Event import (
from olympe.messages.ardrone3.PilotingState import (
olympe.log.update_config({"loggers": {"olympe": {"level": "ERROR"}}})
class Test:
    def __init__(self):
        self.drone = olympe.Drone("")
        self.started = False

    def start(self):
        assert self.drone.connect(retry=3)
        if not self.started:

    def stop(self):
        if self.started:
            self.started = False
    def takeoff(self):
        assert self.drone(TakeOff()).wait().success()
        self.takeoff_bool = True
        print("I took off and moved!")
    def land(self):
        assert self.drone(Landing()).wait().success()
        print("I Landed !")
    def moveby(self):
        self.drone(moveBy(10, 0, 0, 0)).wait().success()
        print("I moved !")
    def point(self):

        expectation_hovering = self.drone(FlyingStateChanged(state="hovering")).wait(_timeout=30)
        if not expectation_hovering.success():
            print("The drone is not hovering")
        print("Hovering succeeded! The drone is flying in 'hovering' state!")
        # Make sure that the drone can apply a directive in its 'hovering' (ie flying) state
        expectation_pointnfly_flying = self.drone(State(idle=dict())).wait(_timeout=30)
        if not expectation_pointnfly_flying.success():
            print("PointNFly is not possible even if the drone is flying")
        print("PointNFly correct state 'idle' when the drone is in 'hovering' state!")
        expectation_point = self.drone(
    Execute(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=0, latitude=XX, longitude=XX,altitude=0.30))
    >> State(active=dict(point=Point(gimbal_control_mode=0, latitude=XX, longitude=XX,altitude=0.30)))
    >> FlyingStateChanged(state="flying")
        if not expectation_point.success():
            possible_unavailability_reasons = self.drone(State()).wait(
            assert possible_unavailability_reasons.success()
            unavailability_reasons = (
            print(f"Unavailibity reasons : {unavailability_reasons}")
        else : 
            print("PointNFly executing ...")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if test.takeoff_bool:
        if test.moved_bool:
        if test.point_bool:
            if test.landed:

And still :
Hovering succeeded! The drone is flying in ‘hovering’ state!
PointNFly is not possible even if the drone is flying
I am giving long and latitude values of where the drone has spawn and height value 0.30 in meters as when it takes off it is 1m high. Maybe my values are not good but the code fails before getting any values in.

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