RC buttons not responsive when connecting through SDK?

We are noticing that when using the latest version of GroundSdk (iOS), that the buttons on the RC are not functional. When doing this:

groundSDK.getRemoteControl(uid: uid) { rc in
    _ = rc.getPeripheral(Peripherals.skyCtrl3Gamepad) { skyController3 in
        skyController3.axisEventListener = { (event, value) in
            print("Event: \(event.description) - Value: \(value)")
        skyController3.buttonEventListener = { (event, value) in
            print("Event: \(event.description) - Value: \(value.rawValue)")
        skyController3.grab(buttons: SkyCtrl3Button.allCases, axes: SkyCtrl3Axis.allCases)

…nothing prints out for us. Any ideas?


getRemoteControl(uid:removedCallback:) returns directly the remote control, its closure is called when the remote control instance is deinitialized.
The parameter of the closure removedCallback is the remote control UID as String.

getPeripheral(_:observer:) will not call the observer if the reference returned is destroyed, you should keep it.

The working code should be :

// Keep the reference to the peripheral :
private var skyCtrl3Gamepad: Ref<SkyCtrl3Gamepad>?
let rc = groundSdk.getRemoteControl(uid: skyUid)
if let rc = rc {
    skyCtrl3Gamepad = rc.getPeripheral(Peripherals.skyCtrl3Gamepad) { skyController3 in
        skyController3?.axisEventListener = { (event, value) in
            print("Event: \(event.description) - Value: \(value)")
        skyController3?.buttonEventListener = { (event, value) in
            print("Event: \(event.description) - Value: \(value.rawValue)")
        skyController3?.grab(buttons: SkyCtrl3Button.allCases, axes: SkyCtrl3Axis.allCases)

Furthermore, you can see a sample of “listeners for grabbed events” in the Demo Application (file: SkyCtrl3GamepadCell.swift)


Thanks, @Maxime that helped!