Segmentation fault when using Qdronectr application

In the documents: About local controllers - 2.15.1
Qdronectrl is mentioned to control a simulated drone with a keyboard.

I installed the application using:
sudo apt install parrot-tools-qdronectrl

I opened the simulation and then the Qdronectrl application.
The Qdronectrl application crashes after I press the connect button.

This is the log:
$ qdronectrl
I arsdkctrl_net: avahi_client_cb: S_RUNNING
I qdronectrl: Adding protobuf directory ‘/opt/qdronectrl/bin/…/share/protobuf’
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘avahi’: start
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: start
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: start
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: start
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: start
W qdronectrl: QGeoTileProviderOsm: Tileserver disabled at QUrl(“”)
W qdronectrl: QGeoTileFetcherOsm: all providers resolved
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: start
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘avahi’: add device name=‘ANAFI Ai 000000’ id=‘000000000000000000’
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: start
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: add device name=‘ANAFI Ai 000000’ id=‘000000000000000000’
I arsdkctrl: discovery ‘net’: add device name=‘ANAFI Ai 000000’ id=‘000000000000000000’
I arsdkctrl_net: Sending json:
I arsdkctrl_net: { “controller_name”: “qdronectrl”, “controller_type”: “ubuntu”, “d2c_port”: 9988, “qos_mode”: 0, “proto_v_min”: 1, “proto_v_max”: 3 }
I arsdkctrl_net: Received json:
I arsdkctrl_net: { “c2d_update_port”: 51, “c2d_user_port”: 21, “status”: 0, “c2d_port”: 2233, “qos_mode”: 0, “proto_v”: 3 }
I qdronectrl: State changed IDLE → OPENING
I pdraw_session: state change to READY
I pdraw_elmt: StreamDemuxerNet#1: element state change to CREATED
I pdraw_elmt: StreamDemuxerNet#1: element state change to STARTING
I rtsp_client: connecting to address port 554
I pdraw_dmxstrm: StreamDemuxerNet#1: RTSP client CONNECTING
I pdraw_elmt: StreamDemuxerNet#1: element state change to STARTED
E pdraw_gles2vid: fragment shader compilation failed '0:1(1): error: syntax error, unexpected NEW_IDENTIFIER

I pdraw_elmt: Gles2VideoRenderer#2: element state change to CREATED (async notify)
I pdraw_elmt: Gles2VideoRenderer#2: element state change to STARTING (async notify)
I qdronectrl: connected: name=‘ANAFI Ai 000000’
I rtsp_client: client connected
I pdraw_dmxstrm: StreamDemuxerNet#1: RTSP client CONNECTED
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request OPTIONS: cseq=1 session=-
I pdraw_elmt: Gles2VideoRenderer#2: element state change to STARTED
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request OPTIONS: status=200(OK) cseq=1 session=- req_status=OK
N pdraw_dmxstrm: EVT:STREAM;event=‘client_options_resp’;element=‘StreamDemuxerNet#1’;status=0;status_str=‘Success’;res=‘live’
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request DESCRIBE: cseq=2 session=-
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request DESCRIBE: status=200(OK) cseq=2 session=- req_status=OK
N pdraw_dmxstrm: EVT:STREAM;event=‘client_describe_resp’;element=‘StreamDemuxerNet#1’;status=0;status_str=‘Success’;res=‘live’
I qdronectrl: select_media
I qdronectrl: Available media: ‘Front camera’
I qdronectrl: Available media: ‘Front camera (AirSDK)’
I qdronectrl: Available media: ‘Front stereo left camera’
I qdronectrl: Available media: ‘Front stereo right camera’
I qdronectrl: Available media: ‘Vertical camera’
I qdronectrl: Available media: ‘Disparity map’
I qdronectrl: Select default media 1: ‘Front camera’
I pdraw_dmxstrm: StreamDemuxerNet#1: application selected media 1 (Front camera)
W pdraw_dmxstrmnet: StreamDemuxerNet#1#front: failed to set rx buffer size: got 212992, expecting 8388608
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request SETUP: cseq=3 session=-
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request SETUP: status=200(OK) cseq=3 session=f311a1ae36aa295f req_status=OK
I rtsp_client: client session f311a1ae36aa295f added
N pdraw_dmxstrm: EVT:STREAM;event=‘client_setup_resp’;element=‘StreamDemuxerNet#1’;status=0;status_str=‘Success’;session=‘f311a1ae36aa295f’;res=‘live’;media=‘front’;src=‘,43931’;dst=‘,55005’
I qdronectrl: open_resp: status=0(Success)
I qdronectrl: State changed OPENING → READY
I qdronectrl: ready_to_play: ready=1
I rtsp_client: send RTSP request PLAY: cseq=4 session=f311a1ae36aa295f
I rtsp_client: response to RTSP request PLAY: status=200(OK) cseq=4 session=f311a1ae36aa295f req_status=OK
N pdraw_dmxstrm: EVT:STREAM;event=‘client_play_resp’;element=‘StreamDemuxerNet#1’;status=0;status_str=‘Success’;session=‘f311a1ae36aa295f’;res=‘live’;start_ts=0;stop_ts=0;rtp_ts=0;seq=0
I qdronectrl: play_resp: status=0(Success) ts=0 speed=1.000000
I qdronectrl: State changed READY → PLAYING
I vstrm: receiver: init_source: ssrc=0xb40dec14 seq=0
I vstrm: receiver: init_seq: seq=0
I pdraw_dmxstrm: StreamDemuxerNet#1#front: new output media
I pdraw_source: StreamDemuxerNet#1: add port for media name=CodedVideoMedia#1
I pdraw_source: StreamDemuxerNet#1: add port for media name=CodedVideoMedia#2
I pdraw_elmt: VideoDecoder#3: element state change to CREATED
E pdraw_sink: VideoDecoder#3: coded video media format H264/AVCC not supported
I pdraw_elmt: VideoDecoder#3: element DESTROYED
I pdraw_elmt: VideoDecoder#4: element state change to CREATED
I pdraw_sink: VideoDecoder#4: link media name=CodedVideoMedia#2
I pdraw_elmt: VideoDecoder#4: element state change to STARTING
I vdec_ffmpeg: no config found for device type cuda
I vdec_ffmpeg: libavcodec version=60.3.100 - using H264 CPU decoding
I vdec: dimensions: width=1280 height=720 SAR=1:1
I vdec: crop: left=0 top=0 width=1280 height=720
I vdec: declared framerate: 30/1 → 30.000 fps
I vdec: 8 bits, color primaries: UNKNOWN, transfer function: UNKNOWN, matrix coefficients: UNKNOWN, full range: 0
I vdec: declared NAL bitrate: 5000000 bit/s (CPB size 5000000 bits)
I pdraw_elmt: VideoDecoder#4: element state change to STARTED
I pdraw_source: StreamDemuxerNet#1: link media name=CodedVideoMedia#2 (channel owner=0x7f6bec0089a0)
I vdec_ffmpeg: frame is a sync point
I pdraw_source: VideoDecoder#4: add port for media name=RawVideoMedia#3
I pdraw_sink: Gles2VideoRenderer#2: link media name=RawVideoMedia#3
I pdraw_source: VideoDecoder#4: link media name=RawVideoMedia#3 (channel owner=0x5756b9376510)
I pdraw_rndvidgl: Gles2VideoRenderer#2: render state: video
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Hi @josephhuang08,

Sorry for the delay. We need more details to try to reproduce your problem:

  • Your distribution
  • The model of your drone
  • The version of Qdronectrl
  • If you have a wifi dongle

You can also check the dmesg log just in case.

Thank you in advance.


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