I am trying to GET info from the drone through the SkyController 4.
Excuse my knowledge being limited.
My setup:
Controller ON and connected to my network through a switch (USB-C from the controller to RJ45 in switch)
The drone is ON and I see from the connected device in the controller that the drone is paired.
I can reach the skycontroller webpage.
I can send a GET message to the skycontroller via Node-red:
http:// ipaddress/api/v1/info/properties
I get answer:
[{“key”:“persist.product.name”,“label”:“Wi-Fi Access Point”,“value”:“Skycontroller 4”},{“key”:“ro.factory.wifi.mac_address”,“label”:“Wi-Fi MAC Address”,“value”:“90:3A:E6:BC:A0:C6”},{“key”:“ro.product.model”,“label”:“Model”,“value”:“Skycontroller 4”},{“key”:“ro.parrot.build.variant”,“label”:“Variant”,“value”:“s905x3”},{“key”:“ro.factory.serial”,“label”:“Serial Number”,“value”:“PI040450AA2E003984”},{“key”:“ro.parrot.build.version”,“label”:“Software Version”,“value”:“7.7.2”},{“key”:“ro.build.date”,“label”:“Software Build Date”,“value”:“Thu Jul 27 13:16:09 UTC 2023”},{“key”:“ro.revision”,“label”:“Hardware Version”,“value”:“4”},{“key”:“rw.debuggable”,“label”:“Debuggable”,“value”:“0”},{“key”:“ro.boot.uuid”,“label”:“Boot ID”,“value”:“3FD4A8D4FAA3D29AA642049998194283”},{“key”:“persist.product.pro”,“label”:“Board ID”,“value”:“”},{“key”:“academy.session.uuid”,“label”:“Academy ID”,“value”:“”},{“key”:“persist.last.resource_id”,“label”:“Last Resource ID”,“value”:“”},{“key”:“user.storage.uuid”,"label…
Reading here on this forum about REST IP, I should be able to get answer from the drone on the skycontroller IP address but with the addition of port 180. But that results in answer:
RequestError: read ECONNRESET : http:// ipaddress:180/api/v1/info/properties
My goal is to be able to read longitude and latitude from the drone but all I get is ECONNRESET message.
I have tried connecting directly to the drones wifi and I can reach the webpage but I cannot send any command.
Can I have a push in the right direction?