Setroutingpolicy Anafi AI

I am looking for info on network features of olympe. I tried various functions but none seem to work :
I manage to have the state :

		(< 1>, 
		<DirectConnectionMode.legacy: 0>), 
	'cellular_min_bitrate': 0, 'cellular_max_bitrate': 0}), 
('routing_info', {'policy': <RoutingPolicy.wlan: 1>, 'current_link': <RoutingLink.wlan: 1>}), 
('global_link_quality', {'quality': 3}), 
('links_status', {'links': [{'type': <LinkType.wlan: 3>, 'status': <LinkStatus.running: 2>, 'quality': 3, 'error': <LinkError.none: 0>, 'cellular_status': <CellularStatus.unknown: 0>}]}), 
('cellular_max_bitrate', {'max_bitrate': 0}), ('direct_connection_mode', <DirectConnectionMode.legacy: 0>)])

The thing is that I get the same state as above when connected to the wifi of the drone or through 4G.
Are these features implemented ?
Here is how I use it :

self.drone(SetRoutingPolicy(policy =0) >> State(routing_info=dict(policy=0)))
self.drone(SetCellularMaxBitrate(max_bitrate=5000000) >> State(cellular_max_bitrate=dict(max_bitrate=5000000)

Also, I have some questions about the differences between routing policies. Whats is the difference between ALL and HYBRID ? Does it mean olympe will be able to be connected as the same time as the skycontroller ?
Thank you !