Setting manual control max speed through MAVLink

Is there a way to set the maximum horizontal speed during manual control of the parrot through MAVLink?

Some additional information:

I am currently using a custom QGroundControl application to control a Parrot Anafi USA drone through the Sphinx simulator. With full joystick deflection in manual control mode, the drone reaches a maximum horizontal speed of a little over 10m/s. The technical specs say that the drone can reach a horizontal speed of 14.7m/s. I’d like to reach this max speed.

I have tried sending a MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED command to the parrot, but I get a MAV_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED. I assume this is because I can only issue a MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED command when in mission mode.

I have also tried sending a PARAM_SET for the parameter MPC_VEL_MANUAL, according to the px4 parameter list, but the parrot doesn’t seem to recognize this parameter name.

If anyone could provide any pointers, that would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @jordanmao,

Sorry for the delay. It’s not possible set the maximum horizontal speed during manual control of the parrot through MAVLink.


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