Sphinx works fine, but can't start a new simulation without rebooting since the virtual eth0 device is still active and the wifi device no longer shows up (via ifconfig)

Parrot Sphinx works fine for me, Camera view of the virtual world and everything works great.
I only have one problem. After ending a simulation I can not start a new one without a reboot.
Apparently the virtual device eth0 does not stop, and the wifi device no longer shows up with iwconfig.
I’ve tried fdc KILL_ALL, fdc drop_all instances… Does not work. Is there a method of dropping the virtual eth0 device ?

Also tomorrow I’m launching my Disco on a FlightPlan mission from my club’s airfield.
I’ve got a linear landing programmed.

Have you looked at implementing GazeboRosGps in parrot-sphinx ?

Have you tried doing this?

No, we have not looked into that. Sphinx has its own GPS plugin to send NMEA frames to the firmware.

The wifi device name is getting changed. When I exit the simulation no wifi device shows up. The virtual eth0 device is still up. That’s why I tried to clean things up with fdc

Is there a document showing how to use the Parrot Sphinx GPS plugin ?

Also my maiden flight of my.replacment Disco was GREAT!

Here is the link to the video

Next flight is Saturday! The weekend can’t come soon enough!