Mainline Ubuntu has a 5 year support schedule for LTS releases, but other flavors (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.) only have 3 years of support. This support window for the current Parrot supported release (22.04 Jammy Jellyfish) is drawing to a close in April of this year. I have had some success running Parrot development tools on Ubuntu 24, but I am now wondering if some of my issues were caused because of this.
It makes development more difficult if I have to use a special machine that’s not updated in order to use the Parrot development tools. Do you have plans for supporting the newer LTS release of Ubuntu soon?
Here is my process that I followed to get the tools up and running on a machine using Ubuntu 24 (in response to this forum post): Unable to install linux packages
I have a suspicion that this issue was caused by running on Ubuntu 24: Problem building AirSDK examples - #3 by RobbieNesmith