Takeoff forbidden error


i just set up Sphinx and Olympe on an Ubuntu (20.04) Remote Machine and tried to execute the “take-off and landing” example from the provided Python script. However Sphinx engine and UE4 application start fine and I see the landscape with the drone in it. However, when executing the mentioned Python script, nothing was happening. I checked the log files of the drone provided by firmewared (sudo ulogcat -C -v long) and found some errors which results in the “takeoff forbidden” event. Please see the provided screenshot of the Log files.

It seems that some write errors occur and that home coordinates couldn’t be read…
Could you please help me on that how to fix it? Thanks!!


Can you please make sure that the kernel version on your remote machine is at least 5.8 with uname -r and that your sphinx version is 2.12.2 with sphinx --version ?

Thanks, I update the linux distribution to Ubuntu 22.04 and the error was gone. Everything is working now.

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