Unable to Connect to with Olympe


I am trying to follow along with the Olympe user’s guide but when I get to actually using the “Hello World” python script, it cannot connect to I have tried rolling back the kernel to 6.1.50-060150-generic but that still has not worked. The Sphinx application loads OK, but Olympe is not connecting.

Here is the output:

2023-09-11 12:16:54,268 [INFO] 	olympe.backend - _create_pomp_loop - Creating pomp loop
2023-09-11 12:16:54,270 [INFO] 	olympe.backend - _do_create - device callbacks have been added to arsdk_ctrl
2023-09-11 12:16:54,270 [INFO] 	olympe.scheduler - _create_pomp_loop - Creating pomp loop
2023-09-11 12:16:54,274 [INFO] 	olympe.media - _create_pomp_loop - Creating pomp loop
2023-09-11 12:16:57,280 [INFO] 	olympe.drone - _async_discover_device - Net discovery failed for b''
2023-09-11 12:16:57,280 [INFO] 	olympe.drone - _async_discover_device - Trying 'NetRaw' discovery for b'' ...
2023-09-11 12:16:58,030 [INFO] 	olympe.drone - _async_get_device - Unable to discover the device: b''
2023-09-11 12:17:00,031 [ERROR] 	olympe.drone - _do_connect - ' connection retries failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/akkumar03/./takeoff.py", line 19, in <module>
  File "/home/akkumar03/./takeoff.py", line 12, in test_takeoff
    assert drone(TakeOff()).wait().success()
2023-09-11 12:17:00,163 [INFO] 	olympe.drone - _on_device_removed - <olympe.arsdkng.cmd_itf.DisconnectedEvent object at 0x7feca851ef20>
2023-09-11 12:17:00,164 [INFO] 	olympe.scheduler - _destroy_pomp_loop - Pomp loop has been destroyed: subscribers_thread
2023-09-11 12:17:00,264 [INFO] 	olympe.media - _destroy_pomp_loop - Pomp loop has been destroyed: Thread-3
2023-09-11 12:17:00,365 [INFO] 	olympe.backend - _destroy_pomp_loop - Pomp loop has been destroyed: Thread-2

I am using Ubuntu 22.04. I really need this figured out as soon as possible.


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