Minimum height above ground before landing

Hi devs,

I am currently trying to use PCMD to execute a precision landing with the anafi. I noticed that there’s is a minimum altitude which the drone cannot pass below when being controlled with either PCMD or moveBy commands from olympe. Is there any way to remove this min. altitude limit using olympe? I would like to be able to control in pitch and roll all the way down to ground rather than ask the drone to land on the spot ~0.5m from it. I found a similar issue on the forum:
Going below a certain value with PCMD - ANAFI / Olympe - Parrot Developers Forum
The conclusion from the above discussion seems to be that this min. height above ground cannot be modified on the real drones but can be on the simulated ones in sphinx. Is that still the case?




No, it’s not possible to remove this minimum altitude limit using Olympe. It is builtin the drone firmware flight controller.

We are considering to remove / configure this limit for Anafi USA and Anafi Ai. We are currently evaluating the impact on the drone firmware controller and no decision has been made so far.

I would like to be able to control in pitch and roll all the way down to ground rather than ask the drone to land on the spot ~0.5m

Could you please further explain your use case?

It’ cannot be modified on a real drone and as far as I know it’s not possible on a simulated drone either.

Hi @m.arthur ,

I’m not sure I fully understand your use case, but you can still use pcmd after the drone has entered “landing mode” to reposition your drone during the final part of the descent.

If you have any remark / feedback about this behaviour, I’d be interested to hear it :slight_smile:


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