Is there a way to stream thermal video on Android using Ground SDK?
Here’s my code as it stands:
// debug, switch to the thermal camera
ThermalCamera thermalCamera = drone.getPeripheral(ThermalCamera.class);
ThermalControl thermalControl = drone.getPeripheral (ThermalControl.class);
if (thermalControl != null) {
EnumSetting<ThermalControl.Mode> thermalCameraMode = thermalControl.mode();
ThermalControl.Mode mode = thermalCameraMode.getValue();
if (mode != ThermalControl.Mode.STANDARD) {
ThermalControl.Rendering rendering = new ThermalControl.Rendering() {
public Mode getMode() {
return Mode.THERMAL;
public double getBlendingRate() {
return 0.5;
// end debug
There are two modes that we can set differently ThermalControl.Mode and ThermalControl.Rendering.Mode. I could tell that setting the ThermalControl.mode to STANDARD did something because the screen aspect ratio changed. However, the video was still visible light. I tested many other settings combinations, but none of the other changes made any noticeable difference.