Update Sphinx requirements

According to this post, Sphinx 2.12.2 supports Wayland, but according to this post Sphinx 2.15 does not. Was support removed at some point?

Could you please add this to the System Requirements page in the Sphinx documentation? The error that comes up when you try to run Sphinx in Wayland is not helpful.

You’re correct that Wayland is not supported in Sphinx 2.15.1. To make it work, apply this patch to /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/bin/sphinx:

@@ -505,27 +505,6 @@ if [ "${enable_fpe}" == true ]; then
     export SPHINX_ENABLE_FPE=1

-# Check for the presence of X11 UNIX domain socket
-x11_socket=$(find /tmp/.X11-unix/ -maxdepth 1 -type s -name 'X*' -print -quit)
-if [ -n "${x11_socket}" ]; then
-    # X11 is in use
-    # Create a temporary file to store authorization information.
-    SPHINX_XAUTHORITY=$(mktemp --tmpdir sphinx-Xauthority-XXXXXXXX)
-    # Generate a non-expiring cookie. (TODO: Revoke it on exit.)
-    xauth -f "${SPHINX_XAUTHORITY}" generate "${DISPLAY}" . trusted timeout 0
-    # Remove hostname restriction from the cookie. Normally, the
-    # client's hostname must be the same when creating and when
-    # using the cookie. This removes this restriction by setting the
-    # connection family to "FamilyWild" (0xffff).
-    xcookie=$(xauth -f "${SPHINX_XAUTHORITY}" nlist | sed 's/^..../ffff/')
-    echo -n > "${SPHINX_XAUTHORITY}"
-    xauth -f "${SPHINX_XAUTHORITY}" nmerge - <<< "${xcookie}"
 # set and show sphinx version
 display_version "${root}"

@@ -604,11 +583,6 @@ on_exit() {
         rm "${worldfile}"

-    if [ -e "${SPHINX_XAUTHORITY-}" ]; then
-        # clean up the X cookie (still needs to be revoked from the server!)
-        rm "${SPHINX_XAUTHORITY}"
-    fi
     # kills processes created by this script
     pkill --parent $$